This is how to get your revenge from a sassy demon [Part 2.]

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Lisette:Welcome back to the 'How to get your revenge from a sassy demon'!
Let's continue shall we?
*makes the hologram appear again*


Lisette:*eyes flickers red,shooting fire and burning the door,making it turn into ashes*
*thinks*Oh shit.I just destroyed Reich's door.
*walks towards Nekial, calming herself down*
Why hello........Nekial.......

Nekial:Huh?*looks at her and instantly recognizes her*Why hello there, ya edgy princess

Lisette:*tries to hold her anger*DON'T-CALL ME-PRINCESS!.......*mumbles*please......


Lisette:*pauses the hologram and shivers*Sometimes you have to do thinks that you would NEVER do for real. . .such as saying 'please' to someone you REALLY want to kill.
But if it's for revenge,oh, it'll worth it in the end!


Lisette:Uhm.So.......Nekial. . .
I know we had a......bad beginning. . see......l am getting more mature and....l wanted to have a brani new start.So l brought this*hands her the present*

Nekial:*raises an eyebrow, looking at the present*A present?*thinks then looks at her and smirks*Sure,we'll have a new start...but first,you gotta open it yourself.

Lisette:*shrugs*As you wish, you hold it, and l'll open it.

Nekial:*got a little suspicious as she looks at her while raising an eyebrow*
*In mind*Oh it's pretty much obvious that this is a prank.
*smirks then looks at her*No,no, you hold it and open it.

*summons a stand and puts the present on it*
*opens it then looks up at her*Happy now?!

Nekial:Hmmm, not until l see what's inside it*gets a closer look at the present and looks inside it*

Lisette:*smirks*Hope you'll like it.......sweetie.
*some paints gushed on her face while a big red wig jumped and placed on her head making her look like a fucking clown*
Oh my my!You look beautiful my dear! I see you have decided to wash off your make up!*laughs*

Nekial:*blinks then slowly looks up at her,anger evident in her eyes while it's burning in rage*You edgy little princess!

Lisette:*eyes glows red*I told you to do NOT call me that!*eyes starts glowing as she smirks*Besides, you look way more better now!
You should thanks me for covering your UGLY face!*chuckles*

Nekial:*Her eyes can be seen burning in rage*Oh yeah?!How about l help you with that face of yours,you little edgy princess!*summons a bucket of black paint and pours it towards her*

Lisette:*quickly teleports behind her*Too slow!*pours a bucket of cold water on her,giving her a messy clown make up and a wet wig*

Nekial:*burst in flames, making herself dry and vaporizing the wig into ashes while making herself normal again and screaming in rage*I'll make you pay for that!*aims her hand at her then fires a fireball directly at her*

Lisette:*fake yawns and teleports away*Please be a little faster OLD lady!
Or. . .forget it! I'm done here!*smirks*As much as it's amusing, l can't lose any more second by looking at your DUMB face!
*disappears into smokes, leaving a note after her that reads"I hope we are good.......sweetie!=)"

Nekial:*fires a fireball at the note while gritting her teeth*This means war!


[The hologram disappears]

Lisette:*claps her hands proudly*And this is how to get your revenge from a sassy demon!
AdminAndHUMANBill (Bet Bill couldn't find a better prank to do!)
Reich_The_Anomaly (How's Nekial?>:3 )
Justinosaur000 (See uncle J? Told ya you will be proud!)
Swe9tyNE26 (Since I know you love pranks as well!)
R6S_Jager (How's that prank of yours by the way?)

And others!
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