New Achievement Unlocked!

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A-Chan:So,Lisette, may l know who are you planning to prank next?

Lisette:A very special someone!It has been a while since we did prank wars with him....


Lisette: Reich_The_Anomaly!Duh.He is back from his journey through multiverse, only for a little while,but still,why not go and give him a sweet greeting?

A-Chan:But he probably doesn't know about your little 'prank game'! It's not fair to prank him like that!

Lisette:I think I made it very obvious that I don't play 'fair'!Also, he is my older brother,bet he'll figure out that I am up to something. . .That's why it won't be that easy for me to prank him....

A-Chan:Are you planning to prank him by using that potion of yours like how you did to Justinosaur000?

Lisette:Nah....I would never be that mean on him.

A-Chan:I bet you'll end up getting pranked by Reich. . .

We'll see about it!*summons a hologram*you can watch me proving you wrong using this hologram.
Now if you excuse me, I have a brother to greet!*teleports to Reich_The_Anomaly 's place*

* * *

Lisette:Greetings beloved bro---

There were dead demons on the floor,while Reich was standing there with a sadistic smile.

Reich:No more Mr.Nice Anomaly!

Lisette:*rolls eyes*Yeah,yeah, whatever. . .*teleports before him and pokes his face*Nice hat!*pokes his face*Did you go to Hogwarts and became a wizard?*chuckles and pokes his face*

Lisette chuckled and kept poking Reich's face repeatedly, knowing that it'll annoy him.
Reich chuckled as he then faced Lisette with a devilish,sadistic smile.

Reich:No,but this hat is something I like to wear,since it suits my style very well.*says in a monotone voice*

Lisette:Uh-huh.*pokes his face one more time,before taking off his hat*

Lisette:You mean this hat?*wears it herself*Well, don't you think it suits me better?=D

Lisette chuckled before taking off the hat, handling it towards Reich.

Lisette:Still, it's good to see you have finally decided to change your outfit.

* * *

A-Chan:She is just annoying him....I was expecting her to give Reich an 'innocent' hug and prank him....I was her biggest goal to prank him,yet she's just being. . .herself.

* * *

Reich rolled his eyes in annoyance as he took his hat and wore it back.

Reich:*chuckles*What the hell are you talking about?I can change my outfit every time I want, I just like my casual clothes more than others.

Once Reich wore his hat back, something which seemed to be a chocolate sauce poured over Reich from his hat, due to a little trick Lisette did when he got the hat.

Lisette:*is trying to hold back her laughter*..........Such a SWEET greeting isn't it?=)

* * *

A-Chan:.....Welp.Bet he didn't see that coming. . .Neither did I? Can't believe for a moment I really thought that she changed her mind about pranking Reich. . .

* * *

Reich looked at Lisette with a deadly glare,as his body started steaming as well,disintegrating the melted chocolate that was melted over him.

Reich:Hehe....okay, ya got me....

* * *

A-Chan:Honesty,I wasn't expecting Reich to get pranked this soon. . .I actually thought there will be a prank war between those two. . .

* * *

Lisette:*in mind*Welp!New achievement unlocked!=3

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