"A Game?"

45 10 17

A-Chan:*in mind*'.........Should I tell others about it....?
But what if I am wrong? What if she's really dead......?
But.....l must at least tell it to Chara!!'
*says out loud*Ugh!! It's all your fault Lisette!!You just had to--

Suddenly,A-Chan got cut off by a tiny girl with red horns, dressed in red who appeared on her left shoulder. . .

The girl with horns:You're right!It's all Lisette's fault!
So it's not your problem!

A-Chan:*blinks a few times before glaring at the tiny girl*Excuse me but if FirstFxllenHumxn starts a genocide,it will be my problem!

The girl:Not actually.
She'll be a threat to Hell and hell only!
Not to mention you are not even sure about that theory of yours!=)

A-Chan:..........'Damn.She got a point right there!'

A-Chan looked at the girl with a blank expression,before looking over her right shoulder. . .


The girl:What?

A-Chan:Where's the other one?

The girl:What do you mean?(-_-)

A-Chan:The other one! The one who's dressed in white and is supposed to tell me to not do what you told me to do.

Thr girl:Oh......her? She has been on a vacation for a long time.So you'll be dealing with me only!=)

A-Chan:*sighs in defeat*Guess l won't be telling that to Chara.....or anyone else.....

The girl:Good choice!

A-Chan:On the bright side,except for Chara,no one ever overreacted at Lisette's death---

Suddenly,the door of the room burst open,causing A-Chan turn around.  . .



A/N:Well...l am SO damn sure that no one will find who ??? is.
So why don't we play a game?=)
If anyone finds who ??? is till l publish the next chapter,l'll write a Nemesette chapter....*shudders* or tell the one who find the answer Lisette's fear/wekness.....
Also, every has only ONE chance to try and guess who ??? is.So think wisely before commenting!=)
Good luck!

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