A Ball in Hell

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Lisette:*shivers*Balls in Hell?! Why?! Why out of all those memories,you want me to tell that nightmare?!
*summons a hologram*In this hologram,you'll watch one of the Balls in Hell.But it was a long time ago, where Reich_The_Anomaly was the prince of Hell, and the kingdom was being ruled by our parents.And we were forced to go to school and all. . .
And about the admirers,Reich was the soon-to be king of Hell,do you think he had admirers or not Anna15566?

Centuries ago, Hell was being ruled by the King and Queen, and they had two children:
Reich,the eldest child of the royal family,he was also the soon-to be-king of Hell, reasons why he was being annoyed by his parents.

Lisette,was the youngest child of royal family,she was two demon years younger than Reich.And annoying him 24/7 was her favorite thing to do.
Her being the second child didn't stop her parents from expecting big things from her.
So as you can guess, both siblings were sick of hearing the word 'responsibility'.
If you are a part of the royal family,there's so many goddamn duties to do, joining all the Balls was one of them which both Lisette and Reach, clearly hated but there wasn't an option anyways. . .

It was one of the ordinary days in Hell, the royal family was making their breakfast in the castle,everything was 'normal'. . .but of course,it didn't take long. . .

Reich:*spits out his drink*The Hell you put in it?!

One of the maids:N-nothing your highness. . .i-it is the same as always. . .


Reich:*glares her*YOU did that didn't you!

Lisette:What?! I don't know what are you talking about!

Reich:*eyes glows red*Liar!!*makes Lisette's meal splash on her face*

Lisette:*eyes flickers red*How dare you!!*makes Reich's meal splash on his face*

Reich:*clenches his jaw*BIG mistake,sister!—

The King:Enough!Both of you!

Lisette and Reich:*glares at each other before turning their gaze to their dad*Sorry father. . .

The King:*sighs*Alright,since everyone is here, tonight,we'll have a ball—

Lisette and Reich:*groans in annoyance*

As a response to their attitude,The King gave both of them a glare,which instantly made them shut up.

The King:*clears throat*As l was saying,we'll have a ball and there's no way in Hell, that any of you will ditch it!*glares at Lisette*

Lisette:*rolls eyes*

The King:Reich.

Reich:Yes dad?

The King:I want you to be on your best behavior!



The Queen:The same thing goes for you too, Lisette!



The King:Try not to burn the Ball just like last year Lisette!

Lisette:That wasn't my fault!!

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