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Lisette:*is playing with a knife*
Bo*hears a knock*
Who could it be?
Wait....could it be A-Chan?*eyes glows red and opens the door by her telekinesis,before swooping to the one at the door*NOW I WILL END YOU!!!YOU LITTLE—

???:Gah! What the Hell!? I didn't do anything this time!!!

Lisette:*notices the one she attacked* again!?

Chara:Can you let go of my throat?(-_-)

Lisette:*flies backwards*What the Hell are you doing here?!

Chara:You'll learn. . .

Frisk:*is in front of the door*We want you to join our gang. . .

Lisette:*looks at Frisk*What did you say?

Frisk:*walks beside Chara*If you are okay with it, you can join to our gang and become friends with us!

Lisette:'Friends'? What made you think l will accept this stupid offer?(-_-)

Chara:Because you are a freak and you don't have any friends!

Frisk:*covers his mouth with his hand*He meant, we would be honored to have you in our gang and maybe in exchange,you won't tell Reich_The_Anomaly about Chara's attend to kill you...

Lisette:*groans*So that's what it was all about?
You want me to become 'friends' with you to not tell Reich about that attack he made on me?

Chara and Frisk:*nods*

Lisette:If l promise to not tell Reich about it, will you two go away?

Chara:*removes Frisk's hand*Yep!Absolutely!C'mon Frisk! We are done here!*drags him towards the door*

Frisk:Uhh.....okay but our offer still stands!—

Chara:*covers his mouth*Shut it up Frisk!=)


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