Perfectly Fine. . .

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Lisette:*sighs*Another nightmare. . .isn't it....?
*looks around*Man....this place is more messy than my room!'s not a forest this time so this is something new.....
*about to explore the place but stops*Wait a minute. . .whenever l try to explore around,that voice appears. . .
So l am NOT going to do the same mistake third time!
*crosses arms*I will just stay right here until l wake~~

[A loud 'BANG!' noise comes from nowhere causing her startle]

Lisette:.....what the heck was that?!

[Another 'BANG!' noise heard, like someone or something was punching/hitting an iron door]

Lisette:Alright.....this is getting weird second by second.....

???:*bangs a door*SET ME FREE!!!

Lisette:*sighs*Well....Now it makes sense.....

???:COME OVER HERE!!!*bangs a door*

Lisette:*rolls eyes ignoring the voice*

???:SET ME FREE!!!

Lisette:I think you are fine wherever you are!

???:GAAAAAAHH!!!!!*bangs the door several times*

*suddenly feels the pain in her head coming back*ARGHH!!! NOT AGAIN!!!



???:SET ME FREE!!!

Lisette:*the pain goes worse, causing her fall on her knees*



Wake up!


Lisette:*opens her eyes,sees Mina with a pale face*

Mina:Master! Oh thanks Lord you are awake!

Lisette:What.....what happened. . .?

Mina:I felt something is not l decided to check out you.....
When l teleport here, you were lying on the ground unconsciously. . .

Lisette: . . .

Mina:Master.....are you alright. . .?

Lisette:I.....*sighs*I am fine.....

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