In a Strange Land. . .

72 9 18

Lisette:So,Justinosaur000, I'll tell you how we got that picture so you'll know what and how it happened. . .

Reich_The_Anomaly was sitting on his throne in Hell,obviously bored. . .

Reich_The_Anomaly:I wish something interesting was happening right now......

Just then, the door slams open wide, revealing a black shadow

Lisette:Hey Reich!

Reich:*mumbles*I am taking my word back.... (-_-)

Lisette:*teleports before him*How are you doin' beloved brother?

Reich:Nothing much little sis, sitting here waiting for something to happen. . .just like always. . .

Lisette:Look on the bright side,you don't have an annoying demon guardian and some rules against you! (-_-)

Reich:*in mind*But l have a short tempered little sister

Lisette:*eyes glows red*I heard that!!!

Reich:*chuckles*Sorry little sis.Anyway,what brings you here?

Lisette:*sighs*As you can guess,l am really bored and according to your facial expression,l can say you are not having fun either.

Reich:Please don't tell me you wanna make a prank war....

Lisette:I was thinking of something else but prank war is also a good option*smirks*

Reich:Lisette.... (-_-)

Lisette:Fineee!How about we go on a dimension and kill some creatures?

Reich:Sorry little sis, but l have traveled the whole universe,including all the dimensions....

Lisette:*groans in annoyance*Can't you just stop ruining the excitement for once? Would you rather die because of boredom,*smiles*or spend some time with your sibling?

Reich: ........Die of boredom. . .

Lisette:*eyes flickers red*REICH!!!

Reich:*laughs*Just joking Lisette!*gets up from his throne*Nothing was happening here anyways.....*shrugs*
*looks at her*Are you sure you won't end up destroying another dimension?

Lisette:Oh come on, I have shown some improvements about controlling my anger!

Reich:*raises a brow while looking her suspiciously*Really?

Lisette: ........No. (-_-)
But l am sure l won't destroy any this time! Besides, you'll be there,so what can go wrong?

Reich:Alright,but if you feel like you are about to destroy something,use the breathing technique.

Lisette:We both know that technique is useless!(-_-)

Reich:*rolls eyes*Luckily for you,l'll be there....
Which dimension we will be going by the way?

Lisette:*shrugs*I haven't chosen one yet......
But to make it a little bit interesting,l'll summon a random portal.

Reich:*sighs*Fine by me....

Lisette:*summons a random portal and gestures it as she smirks*Old men first!

Reich:*smirks as well and gestures the portal*Short tempers first!

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