Some unnecessary rules from my High School!

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A-Chan:Alright, you have been getting lots of news and information about the demon realm and all.
But how about we go back to our own world and talk about some stupid/unnecessary stuffs humans did?


A-Chan:Too bad! Because that's what we are gonna do!
So, l am sure at least half of you readers are going to a hellish place known as 'High School'.
Every country's education system is different and so are the high schools.
But no matter what country we are in, l am sure there's at least one unnecessary rule in the high school we study at!That rule which is extremely annoying and stupid. . .
Here's a few examples from the high school I go.

Rule #1:Ladies First.
The title may sound nice and polite.But in my opinion,it is just a stupid rule!
In my high school, teachers are being extremely strict on boys to be polite with girls.
Which leads to the 'Ladies First' rule.It might sound stupid to you but it is a rule here....
According to this rule, once the bell to the class rang,and the students enter the school, the boys have to stand beside the door of the class, and let the girls enter the class first.By 'the girls', I meant ALL THE girls who has the same class....
And the same rule goes for the time when the class ends....
Why I find this annoying?
Well, here's why:
On another annoying day at school,it was FINALLY the last class of the day.Physics.(I honestly like this class.It's not as annoying as math since we can have experiments in physics laboratory)
When it was ten minutes before the bell, the teacher said we may have a break in this 10 minutes since we did a good job today.And then he left.
While the others were chatting and doing something I didn't really care, I started doing my physics homework because I had so many damn work to do!
When the bell rang,l didn't move from my seat because I was in the middle of solving a task....
Until I heard someone clear their throats.
One of the boys:You do know the class has ended right?

A-Chan:*sees all of the boys standing beside the door,with an annoyed look on their face*I think I am the one who's suppose to ask this question. . .The hell are you guys waiting for?

The boy:For you to FINALLY leave so we can do the same without trouble!

A-Chan:Well too bad because I am not going anywhere till I finish this sum!So it's either you'll get out, or stand there like a bunch of scarecrows!*continues doing the task*

Honestly,I was expecting them to leave but they stood there until I solve the task and pack my stuff which took about 15 minutes.
And it happens at EVERY class! They just wait until ALL THE GIRLS leave the damn classroom!
Why on earth someone would put such a rule!!?

Rule #2:First homeworks, then freedom!
(I named this rule since the original name is too long...)
This one is probably the worst!
We have to come back to a certain classroom after we eat our lunch, and do our homeworks. . .
Our lessons start at 08:00 and ends at 15:00
We have one hour to eat and rest and when it's 16:00 , we have to go to a classroom and do our homeworks. . .
And when it's 18:00 , we are free to go home. . .We can go earlier if we finish our homeworks.The advantages of this rule are:
1) You can have the pleasure of doing your homeworks with your friends.(If you have any)
2) All the teachers will be there until it's 18:00 so if you have any problem with solving a task, you can simply go and ask your teacher.

For me, l only got the second advantage because believe it or not, the class I was put in was full of IDIOTS AND BI***ES!!! I could practically hear them flirt while "studying"*shivers*
The problem is, it makes you feel like a real zombie when you do your homeworks after 8 hours of studying without getting a sleep. . .
Fortunately,if you prove that you are a good student,you can go straight to home once you eat your lunch,and without staying at school,you can do your homeworks at your house instead. . .
Luckily,last year,by the end of the first semester,I managed to get rid of this rule....Which cost me to get an A from EACH F***ING subject!!! It took the LIFE out of me!!! But at least,this year I don't have to deal with this rule. . . (I still have to deal with the after-school activities the teachers signed me in though. . .wonder why the hell I have to be so unlucky!!?)

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