Zodiac Signs 2.

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A-Chan:Well....it has been a while since l last updated a chapter here, hasn't it?

Lisette:*scoffs*Who cares?

A-Chan:*glares her*Shut up! Also, why are you sitting like that on that throne?

Lisette:*was leaning against the throne's left arm while her legs was on throne's other arm, more like laying than sitting on the throne*Do you have any idea how painful this thing can be? My back is killing me from sitting here for who knows how long!

A-Chan:Right. . .anyway,l'll do another 'Zodiac Sign' chapter because l couldn't find a plot.So deal with it!

Lisette:*sits normally on the throne*Ugh.My back!
Don't you have better things to do?

A-Chan:*thinks for a moment*Since you ask....
I have became a Master Sword a few weeks ago so l don't have fence classes any more, and l have finished a few of my books although there's still some l need to finish,l became sick of reading and decided to take a break so no.I don't have anything better to do.*shrugs*

Lisette:*flies up from the throne,stretching for a moment*Agh!I feel like an old lady. . .ya know,those who keeps complaining about their back....
Anyway,can't you just go and play outside?

A-Chan:*gives her a 'Are you kidding me?' look*I'll become a senior hugh schooler next year and you expect me to 'play outside'!? I am too old for this sh*t!!
Also, l don't like socializing!People are so weird and ungrateful!

Lisette:Yeah, l can't argue about the part about humans....Though I have other reasons to not like mortals...
Well, since you are a Master Sword,how 'bout you accompany me to perish a few demons?=)

A-Chan:*crosses her arms*No.

Lisette:*rolls eyes*You are so boring!I'll just go and ask Reich_The_Anomaly instead!*teleports away*

Back to the topic. . .


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A-Chan:Relatable. . .like I said,people are weird....

like I said,people are weird

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