Meow. . .?

77 13 20

A-Chan:Hello everyone!I'm back!=)
I hope Lisette didn't do anything crazy like.....destroying a dimension,or banishing someone to another dimension......well these are the most 'normal' things she could have done.....
*reaches in front of the Lisette's room's door*
*takes a deep breath*I wonder if this amulet has an immortality power or not?
*knocks the door three times*

A-Chan:*didn't get any answer so knocks the door once more*Lisette?
Weird....l was expecting her to attack me with knifes and weapons. . .('-_-)
Anyways,l am coming in Lisette!*opens the door and walks in*
*eyes widens as she saw Lisette's room in a big mess*What the Hell happened here?!Did she fail at controlling her anger again?!
*looks around for Lisette*Where is she?!


A-Chan:Huh?*looks down*

A-Chan:Huh?*looks down*

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A-Chan:  .  .  .
It has been five minutes of my arrival, and l already got a problem!(-_-)

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