A way to suffer. . .

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A-Chan:*sighs*A few days ago, l have made the mistake of accepting a certain someone's 'Try not to laugh' challenge which ended up me laughing till my stomach hurts......And as a price, l had to watch a movie chosen by my romance-movie-lover cousin Mirelle.......and that's just another way of saying "Letting myself get mentally tortured"......
To that someone: I hope you are happy!>=T

= = = = =

I was waiting for my cousin Mirelle to arrive and start mentally torturing me with a movie named "Romeo & Juliet".Now there may be some people who likes that movie,but if you are a horror movie lover, Romeo & Juliet obviously is not a movie you'd enjoy.....not for me at least. . .
Once l heard the door bell rang,l rushed to my room and laid on my bed, hoping Mirelle will fall for my plan.....
Soon, the door of my room opened and Mirelle walked in. . .

Mirelle:Howdy cousin!Ready to watch one of the best movies---*pauses*Hey....are you okay. . .?

A-Chan:*coughs*I.....l feel so exhausted......*coughs*And my head hurts....l think I caught a cold.....

The thing is. . .l have never been good at lying. . .or acting. . .but it was worth to try. . .

Mirelle looked at me for a moment before giggling. . .

Mirelle:Aunty had already told me that you were pretending to be sick to not watch the movie.

A-Chan:wait WHAT?!

Mirelle:Yep!Seems like she also wants you to watch Romeo & Juliet! Now please stop being like that and come upstairs!
Apparently almost everyone likes that movie!And good thing I've bought the movie long ago so l didn't have to search to watch it online!

I groaned in annoyance as l buried my face in my pillow. . .

A-Chan:*mumbles*Thanks a lot mom!

I got up and made my way to upstairs into the sitting room where I was greeted by Mirelle and my little brother. . .

My little brother:Can l also watch the movie with you?

Mirelle/A-Chan:Of course!/No way!

Mirelle and my little brother:*looks at A-Chan*But why?

A-Chan:Because I don't want him to damage his brain with that movie!

Mirelle:Come on A-Chan! He doesn't even like horror movies!

A-Chan:Yes.But he doesn't like romance either!

My little brother:Wait......romance?What movie is it again?

Mirelle:Romeo & Juliet

My little brother:..........*looks at A-Chan*You are gonna watch THAT movie?!Sister.....are you feeling alright. . .?*whispers so Mirelle can't hear him*Or is it another prank for Mirelle?

A-Chan:Unfortunately,no....let's just say l lost a challenge. . .

My little brother:Oh.....well good luck then....l remember when my teacher made us watch that movie.....and knowing you,l can tell that you won't enjoy it at all.....

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