Unexpected Attack [Part 12.]

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Lisette:*was about stab the sword to him to finish him off but a sudden voice yelled from behind*


Lisette:Huh?*turns to see a boy with brown hair,wearing a white t-shirt, blue jacket and black pants running up to them*

Chara:*coughs blood*Frisk....?

Lisette:.....wait.....Chara?*looks down at the boy*Your name is Chara?!

Chara:*narrows his eyes at her as he grits his teeth*

Lisette:*in mind*Holy shit! Don't tell me Reich_The_Anomaly's defense squad is for this brat!

Frisk:*reachs to them, looking down at Chara with a terrified face*Jesus Christ!Chara!*looks at Lisette angrily*What the Hell is wrong with—

Lisette:*turns her head towards him, glaring him with red eyes*

Frisk:*recognizes her and eyes went wide*........you.....
Chara.....what did you do?!

Chara:Are you fucking serious?!She is stabbing me with a fucking sword and you are asking ME what did I do?!

Lisette:*glares him before dropping the sword and getting up*

Chara:What's wrong Miss.Filthy? Are you-gah!-are you scared?

Lisette:*tries to hold the urge to kill him*

Frisk:Chara....you might want to shut up....

Chara:*trying to get up but failing because of the stabs on his legs and arm, winces in pain*Do you have any idea how long it will take for me to regenerate these wounds?! You little-argh!

Frisk:*sighs and helps him to get up*

Chara:*glares at Lisette*You might win this battle*hufs*But you will be dead when the grand ruler of Hell learns what you did to me!

Lisette:*raises a brow*The grand ruler you said?

Frisk:(* '___')

Chara:*smirks*You*hufs*you know him don't you?

Lisette:*rolls eyes*Pretty much....

Chara:Then you probably know what he is like when he is mad!


Frisk:Chara....she is—

Chara:She is just lucky that she defeated me! But she won't be that lucky in front of Reich!No demon's power is strong enough to defeat him!!


Frisk:Chara....she is not an ordinary demon!!

Chara:It doesn't matter!I bet Reich will kill this brat with just one snap! And when he does that, l'll—


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