Why does Lisette hate Angels?

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Mina:So.....one of the dearest readers wanted me to ask Miss.Lisette about why she hates angels.....
Um...l don't think it's a good idea but l don't want to disappoint you....*sighs*I hope Master won't get mad.....*teleports next to Lisette*


Meanwhile. . .

Lisette:*walking around nervously*Don't think about that stupid dream! Don't think about that stupid dream! Don't think about that stupid dream! Don't think about—

Mina:*appears in front of her*Greetings Master!

Lisette:Ugh! What do you want Mina!?

Mina:um....l need to ask you something. . .

Lisette:Hurry up then!

Mina:Well.....why do you hate angels?

Lisette:Have you lost your mind?! I am a DEMON! What do you want me to do? Invite angels to a tea party?!

Mina:But...l have read about them. . .and they are not that bad. . .

Lisette:NO DEMON from my kingdom can talk about angels! They are our opposite and our greatest enemies!How were you chosen to be my guardian when you don't even know the elementary rule?!

Mina: .  .  .

Lisette:I suppose you are done with the questions. . .

Mina:One last question. . .


Mina:Have you ever met with an angel. . .?

Lisette:......No.This is the last thing l would like to do!I have heard about Nemesis. . .The leader of the warrior angels.And he is waiting!Waiting for the great war between demons and angels! But it's not gonna happen!Not under my leadership!
Now would you like to leave me alone!


Lisette:I said........*eyes turns red and yells with a demonic voice*LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Mina:a-as you wish. . .master.....*bows and disappears*

Lisette:Why l had to got such a stupid guardian!?

???:I like her better this way!


Mina:Well....l hope Miss.Lisette's answer is enough for you....
If there's anything else l can help you with,just let me know,*smiles* l'll see what l can do!

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