Did Hitler do anything wrong?

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Lisette:*throws a bloody knife towards the wall*THAT will teach him to watch his words about me!!

A-Chan:I see your anger problems haven't changed a bit. . .

Lisette:What are you talking about?!*bursts into flames*I AM EXTREMELY CaLm!!!

A-Chan:I am not gonna argue with you on that. . .you have a question.

Lisette:*the flames disappear*Question?What question?

A-Chan:Welll....l may or may not have made a Q&A while you were gone. . .

Lisette:*eyes glows red*You WHAT?! How could you let those three dimensional beings ask me questions!?

A-Chan:*scoffs*Please! It'll be fun anyway!I mean what's the worst thing they could ask? Probably life in Hell or something!

Lisette:*sighs*Fine. . .But l am just doing it because l just finished torturing Bill and got bored!

A-Chan:*rolls eyes*Whatever you say. . .
Now the question is*reads the question*'Did Hitler do anything wrong?'

Lisette:Ugh! What's up with mortals and their curiosity about Adolf Hitler?!*glares at A-Chan*

A-Chan:Don't look at me! The question is asked by R6S_Jager not me!

Lisette:Oh...you......still being annoyed by demons?*chuckles*
Now let's see if Hitler did anything wrong. . .hmm*holds her chin*'Did Hitler do anything wrong' huh?You mean other than killing 11 million people in concentration camps?Other than starting a war that ended up killing 60 million people?Other than attempting to eliminate the Russian people killing 26 million of them?Other than killing 16 percent in Polish population mostly in slave labour camps?Other than starting a war that ended up with EVERY German city in ruins?Other than starting a war that killed 3% of the world's population?OTHER THAN ATTEMPTING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD?! BESIDES—

A-Chan:Okay! I think he got it. . .

Lisette:Well, l think other than some hundreds of other things he had done,Hitler did 'nothing' wrong!

A-Chan:Well.....uh....keep giving her questions. . .see you soon everyone. . .

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