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|A-Chan Before Starting (Elementary) School|

Person:Don't worry!You'll love school!You'll learn lots of new and interesting things as well as having lots of friends!

Little A-Chan:Um...okay?

|A-Chan Before Starting Middle School|

Person:Don't worry!Middle school is really interesting!You'll have new teachers and subjects!You'll really love it!

A-Chan:......l doubt about it. . .

|A-Chan Before Starting High School|

Person:Don't worry!High school will be the best education years of yours!Not to mention all those new classmates you'll have!


|Present Time:A-Chan(A High Schooler) Before Starting University|

Person:Don't worry! University will be great!The lessons will get more interesting and--

A-Chan:Could you do me a favor?


A-Chan:Talk with your mouth closed.


A-Chan:Okay...let me be more specific.Just Shut. Up.

_         _       _

Raise your hand if that's relatable to you. . .

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