Unexpected Attack [Part 13./Last Part]

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Chara:*puzzled look*

Lisette:Oh come on! Why the Hell EVERYONE has to remark that 'little' part?! He is just one or two fucking million years older than me!!

Chara:*has a mixture of fear and shock on his face*
*gulps*You are his sister. . .?

Lisette:Wasn't it what your friend was trying to tell you from the start? (-_-)

Chara:The Princess of Hell...?

Lisette:No, l am the second Elizabeth! (-_-)

Chara:*mind tells Frisk*How do you know she's Reich's little sister?

Frisk:*mind tells back*Do you have any fucking idea how many dimensions she has destroyed?! How many demon she tortured?!And do you think an ordinary demon could manage to defeat you?!

Chara:*minds tells Frisk*Why the Hell you didn't tell me that before?!

Frisk:*mind tells back*Seriously? (-_-)

Lisette:Just for the record,l can read minds.So it doesn't really make a difference when you mind-talk with each other....

Frisk and Chara:*looks at her with concern*

Chara:So you are really Reich's sister?

Lisette:How many times you'll ask me this?!

Chara:Shit....out of all those demons, l had to mistaken her with a mortal?!

Lisette:Oh,*eyes flickers red*So if l wasn't Reich's sister, that would give you the right to attack me?!


Frisk:*glares to Chara and says through gritted teeth*Shut the Hell up Chara!!!She has the power to kill both of us with one snap!!!

Lisette:*smirks*Your friend is right Chara.


Lisette:Who's scared now?=)
*opens a portal and turns to leave*

Frisk and Chara:Wait!!!

Lisette:*turns to look at them*What!?

Chara:Will you tell this little accident to your brother. . .?

Lisette:*grins*Perhaps l will!*steps into the portal*


Lisette:*appears in her castle and looks at herself only to see that she was covered with blood and wounds*Ugh! Reich, one day you will explain me why the Hell you made a defense squad for an idiot!

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