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KathiesHere:I dare Lisette to hug someone

Lisette:*rolled her eyes in annoyance*She's lucky that I am in a good mood. . .otherwise l'd cancel the dare...

A-Chan:Uhh....what's up with that sweater of yours?

Lisette:*is wearing a green sweater that has a yellow '#1 Prankster' writing on it*Well....it was a 'Welcome back' present from some..... friends.....?
Anyway,l was about to visit Asriel....might as well do the dare on him....*teleports to AsrielDreemurr_Rei ' s place*

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Lisette:Azzy!How's my new sweater?=)

Asriel looked at Lisette for a moment before bursting into laughter which caused Lisette glare at him



Asriel:*faces Lisette while snickering*You look funny in that sweater!

Lisette huffed as she crossed her arms

Lisette:You're just jelly cuz l am a better prankster than you!

Asriel:*chuckles and calmly states*Hey,at least l am not the one who got pranked by Reich,who was tricked on eating a cookie.....poisoned with LAXATIVE!!

A thick mark appeared on Lisette's head, seemingly annoyed as she recalled the memory

Lisette:Oh yeah?At least I didn't get pranked with a LEAF!!!

Asriel shrugged but seemingly quite annoyed as his eyebrow twitched for a moment while keeping a stern face

Asriel:Getting pranked by an itchy leaf that lasts long up to 15 minutes is nothing compared to laxative that lasts over hours until the effect wears off....!

Lisette:*took a deep breath before turning her gaze back to Asriel*If you say so....

Unknown to Asriel,Lisette's hand started lightly glowing red

Lisette:Hey Asriel, would you like a BEAR HUG!!

Teleporting behind him,Lisette gave Asriel a slightly bone-crushing hug that caused Asriel's eyes went as wide as saucer's as he felt the air was pushed out of his lungs with Lisette's bear hug, making him gasp for air while kicking and wheezing

Lisette:Can you just--Ugh!!Stop  moving!!?This is just a dare alright!?Blame the one who dared me to hug someone!*she said,sounding annoyed*

Asriel:L-...let....me....g-go!N-need air!

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Alright!Author-Chan is saving you from the prank war the two will have!(Because l am lazy as hell to write that LONG chapter of Lisette and Asriel trying to prank each other)The dare is completed so see you in the next chapter!

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