How to protect yourself in a 'Prank War'?

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Lisette:I have forgotten that l told Swe9tyNE26 l'll make a chapter about what he had suggested.....

A-Chan:*raises a brow*Since when you started keeping your word?

Lisette:*shrugs*Since never.But,*smirks*Maybe l can give Nekial a lesson about protecting herself in a pank war.
She can thanks me later!=)

A-Chan:*rolls eyes*Whatever.....I am leaving!I don't wanna be a part of this anyways. . .*walks away*

Lisette:*clears throat*Now,let's start with the prank war between demons.
I think the best thing to do is to summon a barrier to surround you so you can protect yourself from your rival's attempts of pranking you, along with annoying them.
You can also use a clone but make sure it won't disappear when water pours on it.....
However,l don't know much about humans' prank wars,but l know someone who might know about it.*snap fingers and A-Chan appears,sitting behind a desk, writing something*

Lisette:*blinks*What is she doing?

A-Chan:*is still writing something without noticing where she is*
*raises her hand while looking at her notebook*I got the answer Sir!

Lisette:'Sir'?Alright, A-Chan, what the Hell are you doing?

A-Chan:*looks up and sees her*Lisette? What are you doing here?*looks around*wait....what am I doing here?!

Lisette:I summoned you,you need to help me on something!

A-Chan:*sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose*What part of 'I don't wanna be a part of this!' you didn't get? Do you know how awkward it'll be for me to explain how l disappeared suddenly?With my DESK!

Lisette:*rolls eyes*You are annoying!*teleports her back*
Guess in this chapter,only Nekial and some other demons will manage to learn some tips. . .

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