Hello again. . .Uncle J.

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Lisette:Salutations Uncle J!
You remember me, don't you?

Justinosaur000:*peeks his head out from his garage*Oh. . .
*walks out*Yes darling, l remember ya!

Lisette:Great! It has been a while since we last talk!*coughs*
So, uncle. . .how do you spell Toast?

Uncle J:Hmmmm

Lisette:*rolls eyes*Geez uncle. . .
Well, can you say it three times?

Uncle J:Immm okay
Toast Toast Toast
There l said it not the face!

Lisette:Say it five more times?

Uncle J:Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast

What do you put in a toaster?

Uncle J:I put. . .

Lisette: . . .

Uncle J:Nope
I but corn bread

Lisette:*crosses her arms*Well.....you ruined my prank! -_-

Uncle J:Sorry?

Lisette:Must say, you are smarter than I thought. . . -_-

Uncle J:Yap

Lisette:Well, even you ruined my prank, it was still fun to talk with ya Uncle J!

Uncle J:Heheh yah and how's Reich?

Lisette:He is. . .*flashback intensifies*. . .a little busy. . .
Sometimes l am worrying about him—Oops!!
Uh......did l say the last part out loud?

Uncle J:Ooooh
Yeah that makes sense

Lisette:Well....l am kinda bored here. . .
He was the one who l entertained myself by annoying him.*laughs*
But now l kinda feel bored *shrugs*
And there's also that stupid voice annoying me. . .

Uncle J:Mind tell me what that voice sounds like?

Lisette:Usually annoys me by saying.....no no.....DEMANDING to set it free.
But most of the time gives me a headache.
Have you ever heard such a thing. . .?

Uncle J:A few times

Lisette:Really?? How did you get rid of it??
wait......did you even get rid of it. . .?

Uncle J:Yap and l forgot how


???:*chuckles*Better luck next time!

Lisette:Ugh! The last person l could ask for help has forgotten the answer!Why the hell l have to be so unlucky?!

Uncle J:Wait.....can you still hear it?

Lisette:Yeahhh......this is the problem. . .

Uncle J:What the f**k?


???:See? I told you,he ALSO doesn't know about me!

Lisette:*eyes glows red and yells*SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

Uncle J:*was in stupid mode*Oh sorry, l get oftenly dumb and yes l know the one keep saying Free Me

Lisette:*gasps*You do?

???:I am doubting -_-
But let's see what bulshit this oldie will tell. . .

Lisette:*mind tells*DIDN'T I JUST TELL YOU TO SHUT UP!?
*feels a headache and winches*Argh.....
Fine.....Do you....do you have any solution for this problem uncle?
Uncle J?

Uncle J: . . .

Lisette:*raises a brow*Uhh....Is he still in stupid mode?

Uncle J: . . .
Oh....well just annoy her back,then she'll stop


???:You do know it's not gonna happen don't you?-_-
Being a prisoner in your mind is annoying enough!

Lisette:*mind tells*I am not stupid!
Of course l know it won't work!
If you were something l can get rid of with by annoying back, you couldn't be powerful enough to hurt me by headaches!
*says*Well.......thanks for the information gruncle!
Anything l can help you with?

???:Why are you not learning to help yourself first?*grins*

Lisette: (-___-)

Uncle J:Okay,first of all, who's talking to your mind,now that you mention it?

Lisette:I don't know who the Hell she or he is!!
It started ever since. . .*pauses*
...........uh..........ever since an *coughs*accident.....with.....someone. . .

???:*smirks*What's wrong Princess?Your uncle doesn't know about



Uncle J:Tell me specificly

I would. . .but l am.....quite tired. . .*slowly floats up*I better go, but on my next visit, l can talk to you about it *coughs*maybe.
Also, next time, l would like to see your dragons!
*smirks*Bet they are not as fast as mines!


Lisette:Have a good day Uncle J!*teleports back to her castle*

Uncle J:*walks into his garage and starts cleaning his dragon crap.His annoyed tones can be heard*
God frikkin elder dragons!
Always shitting at my garage!
And my Lomborginie is here which was very useless to me anyways. . .

Meanwhile. . .

Lisette:*sits on the throne*Well.....another talk and l still have NOTHING!

???:It is amusing to watch your failed tries!

Lisette:Sooner or later, l WILL find out who or what you are and when l do that*eyes glows red*You will live your WORST NIGHTMARE!

???:Hmm....let's hope you will get rid of me, before I get rid of you.

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