The Winner is....

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A-Chan:*clears throat*Greetings and Salutations!
In this chapter,l'll announce the winner of the game l made in the chapter titled as "A Game?".....don't give me that look!I am not good with titles and l am still thinking of a better title for that chapter!(-_-)Why don't you comment if you have a better idea for the mentioned chapter?
Anyway,back to the main topic. . .

The rule of the game was to find out who ??? was.Each person had only ONE chance to guess, but since I now updated this chapter,it has been officially stopped,so from now on,any who comments about ??? 's identity will NOT  be counted even if they guess it right.....Speaking of guessing. . .

"Is ??? Reich? ( Reich_The_Anomaly )

A-Chan:The answer is no.But it was kinda logical due to Reich being Lisette's older brother.Still, I doubt that Reich knows about Lisette's death since he's*coughs*'Saving' AU's and stuff. . .

"It's definitely not Lisette, Reich,Asriel,or Nemesis.It could be some family member like Uncle J. (Justinosaur000 ) whom we know.But he's the only one we know other than her siblings.It could be one of Lisette's friends but l can't guess any of them because I only have one try to guess! Welp, this was my entire thought process and yes, that's what I got. . .

A-Chan:Actually,she was right about almost everything she had said.
1)As I said before,it wasn't Reich because he's a busy and haven't been in hell for a while. . .

2) It wasn't Lisette because ??? shouted "What happened to Lisette?!" when they burst in which means she is not Lisette either. . .

3) It wasn't Asriel(AsrielDreemurr_Rei )because he barely visits hell to annoy Reich or Lisette.Other than that,he's a lazy goat.He probably haven't heard about Lisette's death either. . .

4) And lastly,Nemesis.....I was actually expecting at least one person to comment "Nemesis" but fortunately,it didn't happen.
Ahem.So Tofu was right about those parts.
But unfortunately,??? wasn't Uncle J.

"Is it Mina?"

A-Chan:Actually,UltramanBelial was the first one who came up with the idea of ??? being Mina.But since he commented it after he commented "Reich" as his first guess,l had to delete it because each person had only one try to guess.
All in all, it wasn't Mina either....

Which means the winner is. . . .

*drum roll*

*more drum role!=D*

*Keep going!Trust me!=)*

The winner is. . .

Nobody.Obviously. (-_-)
Everyone guessed ???'s identity wrong.
But l guess l must give some credits to AsrielDreemurr_Rei(Author-Kun) for almost guessing the answer correctly.*coughs*The key word is almost.So he didn't completely guess it right either.
Now you may or may not be asking "Who the heck is ??? then?!"
The answer is. . .

.  .   .

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We are having some technical problems.
Please stand by.
Ps:I made you read the entire chapter for nothing. . .sorry,but not sorry!=D

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