Good Ol' Memories. . .[Part 1.]

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Lisette:*is playing with the blade of a knife while singing*
🎵 Who's so damn bored?🎵
🎵 I am so damn bored!🎵
🎵 Who's planning to go on a killing spree?🎵
🎵 I am planning to go on a---

Suddenly,a blue portal opened in the middle of the room,a box falling out from it, right after someone also falling out from the portal, and crashing on the box.


Lisette:What the hell are you doing A-Chan!?

A-Chan:*is too lazy and exhausted to get up so she just stays lying on the ground*Me?The real question is what the hell are YOU doing by keeping a freaking monster in this damn castle!!?

Lisette:Huh? A monster? specific A-Chan....there's plenty of them in different floors!Which one are you talking about?

A-Chan:Are you kidding me!!?THERE'S PLENTY OF FREAKING GIANT SPIDERS IN THIS CASTLE!!??*quickly gets up*Well, screw it!!!I AM OUT!

Lisette stared at A-Chan for a moment as A-Chan makes her way towards the door.
She suddenly couldn't help it but bursted out of laughing,causing A-Chan stop and turn around,looking at Lisette confusingly who was on the floor,laughing. . .


A-Chan:*is slightly blushing in embarrassment*W-what's so funny!?İ-it was a GIANT spider!!! Not an ordinary one!*mumbles*N-not that l am afraid of them or something. . .

HAHAHA....AHAHAHA!!!!*slowly gets up from the floor, then wipes a tear which was because of laughing too hard*My gosh!I can't believe it!

A-Chan:If you are done with laughing,can you explain why in heaven's sake you are keeping GIANT SPIDERS in your castle!!?

Lisette:*laughs a bit more before looking at A-Chan with a smirk*Kid,l have lots of monsters in different species almost like in each floor of the castle.But believe or not, l don't have any "giant spiders" among them.

A-Chan:W-what....? But....l...l saw it!! I swear!

Lisette:*chuckles*Let me finish.
I don't have giant spiders, instead l have a few creature which can turn into the thing you are most afraid of.

A-Chan:It reminds me of Pennywise....

Lisette:*shrugs*Why not?
But there's only a few of that type of creatures in this castle.I have located them into the rooms which are the most important and forbidden for anyone other than me.Some of those rooms also have a very strong spell as a proof.How did you even get in there? Did l forgot to put the spell on one of the rooms or something. . .?

What's in those rooms?

Lisette:*crosses her arms*One of them is full with my beloved chocolates!Once in a week l go and check out the room just in case if my dear brother Reich_The_Anomaly sneaked in and got my chocolates!Which is impossible since l am the only one allowed in that room because of the spell....l didn't think that creature would work on Reich so I put on a spell as well....

A-Chan:If you are the only one who can enter that room,why do you have the need to go and check it out every week?

Lisette:*shrugs*'s just an excuse to go and get some chocolates from the room.
I am 100% sure the room you ended up in was not that one.

A-Chan:Yeah...probably. . .l don't think there was any chocolates....not that I had the time to notice though.....*shudders as l remembered that freaking spider*

Lisette:*looks at A-Chan with an evil grin*

A-Chan: .   .    .What?

Lisette:You do know that you just revealed your worst fear being a spider right?

A-Chan:*eyes went wide as realization hit her*AIN'T NO!!!I AM NOT AFRAID OF SPIDERS!!!

Lisette:*laughs*Really?Well you weren't saying that about 10 minutes ago, or back to the time where me and Reich were playing 'Escape from Hell'....huh.....speaking of which,he still owes me 78% of his chocolates!

A-Chan:That was different!Back then l was being chased by a giant spider which can shoot a fireball!!!A FIREBALL!!!! Like who the hell would create something like THAT!!?

Lisette:Me....duh.The one who trapped you wasn't my doing though. . .

A-Chan:*scoffs*Yeah sure!

Lisette:Aww! Don't be like that A-Chan! I was actually planning to go on a killing spree but since you came...hmm....more like 'crashed in'*chuckles*Why don't we play a game?=)

A-Chan:*l held my chin and pretended to be thinking*Hmm....let's see....the last time I played a "game" of yours....I got trapped in a frozen barrier! Got chased by crazy spiders several times!Was about to be biten by snakes! Had to solve a stupid math problem!Don't even forget about that annoying soul 'Orange' who never did anything useful for us! And when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I ENDED UP IN A HIGH SCHOOL!!! Was about to get killed by a bookshelf falling over me!Heck!I even got attacked by books!Right before facing with 10 or so zombies! And not only that but l tried to intimidate your brother's gamer to free him from an evil spirit which was never actually there!

Lisette:Hey! First,all of those things were pretty fun to watch,but don't put the blame on me about the last one!

A-Chan:Thinking about it, all those things could make a great horror movie or something but still, I AM NOT PLAYING ANY "GAMES" WITH YOU EVER AGAIN!

Lisette:Cuz you are boring~!

A-Chan:Well, at least l am not a freak like you!

Lisette:*chuckles*Why thank you A-Chan?=)
But let's not forget that l am not the one who's afraid of spiders here~!


Lisette:Mhmm~! Hey is that a spider over there?

A-Chan:*suddenly turns pale*What!? WHERE!!?

A-Chan quickly spun around but tripped over the box which was falleb from the portal and fell down,while Lisette just laughed at her success of pranking A-Chan.

Lisette:HAHA!You should have seen your face!

Ignoring Lisette,A-Chan tried to get up, before recognizing something on the floor....A picture.Of who seemed to be Lisette's herself,just more younger....
A-Chan picked the photo up, looking at it intently.

A-Chan:Is that you Lisette....?

Lisette:Huh?*sees the photo A-Chan was holding*What the-!? Where did you get it from!?

Just then, both of them noticed the photos on the floor....The faces on the photos were actually really familiar.
And unlike A-Chan, Lisette instantly get which room she has been entered. . .
Lisette gritted her teeth while balling her fists as her eyes glowed blood red.

Lisette:Out of all those damn rooms in the castle,you just had to end up in THAT one!!?

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