33 Days Before Going Back To Hell

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A-Chan:It's 13 August here....which means I got only 33 days before l go back to school. . .
*internally dying inside*

Lisette:What's up with you mortals and hating school? At least you have something else to do other than sitting on a throne until your back hurts!

A-Chan:You don't have any idea about how terrible high school is!Especially if you are a Senior!Which l'll become one next year!!

Lisette:Still doesn't seem bad to me.All you have to do is study.Trust me.I have seen more terrible things than studying!

A-Chan:High school is not about only studying.
I'll spend 10 hours with the people l can't get along at all!

Lisette:Isn't it only 7 hours for you?The extra 3 hour is for the projects and homeworks after school.

A-Chan:You don't know what will happen if you are a Senior!! Things will surely change!So l'll probably have to take that 3 hours as well cause of the projects!
Also, even if l spend only 7 hours at school, it won't change the fact that l'll have 8 math class every week!!

Lisette:8? How can you have 8 math class every week when you go school only week days which makes 5 days.And as far as l know,there's always one day that you don't have math class.So you'll probably have 4 math class each week.

A-Chan:No.It's 8.Because unfortunately for me, in my high school we have two math classes in a day! And it'll be 8 math class since there's that one day we are free from math.Ugh!! I hate math!!

Lisette:I already know.(-_-)
At least there's still 33 days before you go back.

A-Chan:It's not fair....why vacations always pass faster than school days? It takes forever for school to end but when it comes to vacations......

Lisette:*rolls eyes*I bet you are complaining because you haven't done your summer projects!*smirks*Guess someone will be in a lot of trouble hmm~?

A-Chan:*says in a bored tone*Nah...l finished those damn projects a few weeks ago....So you are wrong!

Lisette:I am never wrong!It's just different levels of right!
Now, are you sure there's nothing you miss about high school?

A-Chan:Yes.I absolutely am!

Lisette:*shrugs*Then it's so bad for you! Enjoy the last 33 days of peace!*smirks*While you can!*teleports away*

A-Chan:*groans in annoyance*She is being so supportive. . .(-_-)

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