İgnoring Of The Year!

48 9 4

A-Chan:*was practicing her fence moves since she has fence classes tomorrow.Suddenly, her room's door burst open,causing her turn confusingly*

A-Chan's cousin [Let's call her Mirelle, it's not her real name but she always wanted her name to be Mirelle.Also,l am too lazy to write 'A-Chan's cousin' all the times]:How do you do cousin?

A-Chan:*rolls eyes*Of course you can burst into my room without permission.And thanks for doing the most hard thing and knock the door before entering!*continues with the move*

Mirelle:*rolls eyes back*Aunty said l can go and see you.

A-Chan:I don't think she said 'You can go and burst into my daughter's room' did she?*still busy with the sword*

Mirelle:*sighs*Okay...l am sorry. . .
Can you have a break?



A-Chan:Tomorrow l'll have a challenge with other fence students from my class.I must train well to beat them!
*looks at her for a moment*You do know how l hate when it comes to loose.

Mirelle:*scoffs*Of course I do Miss.Perfection!

A-Chan:*glares her*Stop calling me that!*continues her training*

Hey! How about l tell you a joke?


Mirelle:Too late!
Why do you spell 'dark' with a 'k' and not 'c'?

A-Chan:*ignores her, changing the move*

Mirelle:Because you can't 'see' in the 'dark'! Ha ha!! Got it??

A-Chan:*pays no attention*

Mirelle:What? You didn't get it? Okay, then let me repeat the joke.Why do you spell~~

A-Chan:*stops and looks at her*No need to repeat anything.
I was ignoring you the first time anyway.

Mirelle:  .  .   .
Don't tell me you are still mad at me because of that chapter l wrote. . .

A-Chan:*throws the sword away,giving her a glare*

Mirelle:Oh come on! Don't tell me you are going to hit me or something.

A-Chan:Hitting you? Of course not!

Mirelle:*smirks*Because l am your dearest cousin and you care too much about me to hurt me?

A-Chan:*has a poker face*
Because I am against hitting girls.And it's not like l'll hit you just because a childish attitude of yours.You are my little cousin after all.

Mirelle:There's only one year difference between us!!

A-Chan:*ignores what she said*But just because l am not gonna hit you, doesn't mean l am not gonna punish you.

Mirelle:'Punish'? What the actual fu** are you talking about?

A-Chan:*smirks*For the rest of the week,l'll ignore you so hard that it'll even be recorded to the history as 'Ignoring Of The Year'.

Mirelle:  .    .    .
You are joking. . .right?

A-Chan:*walks past her, exiting from her room*

Mirelle:*shouts while running after her*Hey! Wait!! Come on you can't do that!!*runs in front of her*You do know how much I hate being ignored!! And yet you are ignoring me?! Knowing how much I hate when someone does that?!?!

A-Chan:*walks past her, like there was no one at all*
*in mind*Next time she better thinks twice before messing with my phone!

Mirelle:Come oonnn!! Pleeeeease!!! I am fine with anything but this!!!

A-Chan:*in mind*The only defect is that it'll be very annoying for a while. . .

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