Operation:Beat Up A Certain Angel!=)

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Lisette appeared in a familiar dimension,looking around for a certain angel. . .

After a moment of searching,Lisette suddenly can see someone in the near distance. . .who she instantly recognized as soon as she saw their white wings. . .

Lisette:*eyes flickers red as she summons hundreds of knives*Time to RiP ofF sOmEoNe'S  wInGs!=)

Just when she was about to attack,the angel disappeared from his spot. . .

Lisette:What the--!? Where did he--

???:*is behind Lisette*Attacking a defenseless angel huh?Do you demons ever play fair at least for once?

Lisette growled lowly before turning around, glaring at the one before her. . .

Nemesis:*smiles friendly*Howdy,the princess of hell? Or should I say.....the Queen of hell?*chuckles before pointing Lisette's crown*Nice crown!

Instead of saying something,Lisette gritted her teeth before aiming her knives in mid air towards the angel who dodged them by summoning a shield. . .

Nemesis:*rolls his eyes then makes his shield disappear*Now that's very rude of you. . .
Have you forgotten that if you or any other demon tries to kill or harm an angel, it'll start a war between demons and angels?

Lisette:   .   .   .
*in mind*Dang it!! I thought it was only forbidden to kill an angel!!

Nemesis:*chuckles as he reads her mind*I see. . .
What made you attack me anyway?It's very rude to hurt someone who hadn't done anything bad to you,ya know.

Lisette:*glares at him angrilly* Do you have ANY idea about how some people annoy me because of you!!?Even my little brother AsrielDreemurr_Rei uses you to annoy me since he knows how much I hate being paired up with YOU!!!

Nemesis:*laughs*Well,you are the one who's dealing with them, including your brother.So l haven't 'goat' any problems with it.

Lisette:*growls*DoN'T yOu FrEaKiNg pUn mE!!!

Nemesis:Technically,l am punning the Queen of Hell!Is it not a great victory now?=D

Lisette:*grits her teeth as she death glares him before gripping his collars*You are testing my patience angel!Don't make me RiP oFf YoUr ChIcKeN wInGs!!

Nemesis:You are just jealous cuz l have got beautiful white wings!=)

Lisette growled lowly as she let go of his collars by pushing him away,then took a deep breath to calm herself down before looking back at Nemesis. . .

Lisette:In order to stop all of this nonsense,l had to do something for the sake of my sanity!Because I am at the edge of letting out my inner self!!
Since l can't kill you, l want you to say the truth and tell that we are nothing but ENEMIES so l can record and take it as a proof.
So say the truth!*eyes glows red*NOW!!!

Nemesis:*stares at Lisette blankly before smirking slightly*Yeah,I actually like you a lot!=D

Once he said that,he got hit by  something. . .more like by someone, causing him crash a few trees. . .


Lisette:YOU F*CKING IDIOT!!!!*fires him using her powers*

Nemesis:*dodges it by a VERY close distance,letting it destroy half of the woods*("O_O)
Calm down demon!I was joking!

Lisette:*is not looking calmed down at all*

Fires surrounded the place because of Lisette[Because her power of controlling fire is connected with her anger],burning trees and all. . .

Nemesis:*is actually kinda scared because of how mad Lisette looks*Lisette!It was just a joke!! I don't like you!!!I SWEAR!!!

Lisette took a deep breath,letting the flames disappear before looking at Nemesis with a smirk

Lisette:That was all l wanted to hear!=)
Was it too hard to say it?

Nemesis sighed in relief,before getting up and dusting himself off before looking back at Lisette. . .

Nemesis:*scratches his head*You need to learn controlling your anger. . .

Lisette:*eyes flickers red*Don't tell me what to do!!

Nemesis:*sighs while shaking his head*What made people pair you up with me anyway?I mean, look at your surroundings!You destroyed this place just because of a joke l made!.....This dimension was my favorite. . .

Lisette:*laughs*Oh if only l knew~! I would have destroyed it years ago!=)

Nemesis:You just destroyed your own favorite dimension as well!

Lisette:Well,until you appeared,this dimension used to be my favorite!So l don't regret destroying it at all!

Nemesis:*clenchs his fists as he suddenly remembers......something*Like how you didn't regret when you destroyed my and other demon's home!?

Lisette:*didn't hear what he exactly said since she wasn't paying attention*Huh?What did you say?

Nemesis:*was about to repeat himself. . .before remembering something as well*I.....I said I can help you. . .

Lisette:*laughs with irony*You really think I'll fall for this?

Nemesis:I am serious!I can talk with those who thinks of you and me as a couple and tell them the truth!

Lisette:*shudders to the idea of her being a couple with Nemesis,then glares at him*How am l suppose to trust you?You might as well screw up things even more with that 'joke' of yours!

Nemesis:Hey, you can always trust an angel!Also,that pairing of you and me started bothering me as well!
So....what do you say?

Lisette:*thinks for a moment before sighing in annoyance*Fine.....BUT!*looks at him with blood red glares*Dare to screw it,And not even the war can stop me from KiLlInG you!*teleports away*

Once Lisette left, Nemesis let out a sigh. . .

Nemesis:I knew she is crazy. . . ("-_-)
*mumbles*But at least she's not crazy enough to like someone who tried to kill her. . .


Author's Note:I just wanted to let you know that in this chapter,you can role play with Nemesis in the comments!
This might as well be a good chance to find out a few things about him.
But think wisely before you ask him something!

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