A Visit [Part 3.]

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Asriel internally panicked,hearing his heart beating in his ears as he looked at the 'chocolate' bar Lisette gave him.An audible gulp can be heard before Asriel hesitantly and slowly took a bite out of the 'chocolate' bar....which act had raisins in it instead of being fully made out of chocolate,making him turn very pale because of the disgusting taste of it while keeping it stalled in his inner cheek and fake swallowing it while giving Lisette a shaky thumbs up. . .

Asriel:D...delicious. . .

Reading Asriel's thoughts,Lisett internally laughed as she learned that she was right about the chocolate being a prank.

Lisette:Oh!So you liked it?Well....you see....Chara enjoys raisins chocolates.And to be honest,l don't like raisins at all, and l wasn't sure if this one was also a raisins chocolate or not. . .But you look like you really enjoyed the chocolate,so here, you can have this one as well!=)

She handed the half chocolate at him.Asriel stared blankly at the piece of chocolate for a while before looking up at Lisette. . .

Asriel:*says weakly*I hate you. . .*flops on the ground while groaning in pain and annoyance*

Lisette couldn't help but busted into laughter once she saw Asriel's reaction

Lisette:Aww! I love you too Azzy!

Keeling,she gently petted Asriel's head

Lisette:Hey....at least it didn't have laxative in it....

She shivered as she remembered a prank that a certain Demon/Anomaly did on her......When she wasn't planning to prank him at all!
Asriel can be heard chuckling that was muffled by the ground as his face was still on the ground.He didn't seem to mind getting his fluffy white head get petted by Lisette.Probably because his already used to it. . .

Lisette:*rolled her eyes as she heard Asriel's muffled chuckles*It's not funny at all!.....Not if he did it when I was trying to be a good sister!

Asriel lifted his head lazily and looked up at Lisette,his chin resting on the ground while he smirked at her response

Asriel:You,trying to be a good sister?Now that's something I was NOT expecting,especially from you!....how'd the prank go?

Lisette:*glares at him*Excuse you!I am a good sister!>=|
I tried to offer him some delicious chocolate chip cookies but he pranked me with a cookie that had LAXATIVE in it!!!It made me feel sick for a whole day!!

Asriel's cheeks puffed out as he tried to hold his laughter,but eventually failed and bursted laughing out loudly

Asriel:Oh man! Wish l was there to see your reaction so l can take a picture of your face!

Lisette:Then it's good that you were not there!

Asriel suddenly started coughing uncontrollably because of the raisins still in his mouth,his eyes wide while he stood on all fours and punching his stomach

Lisette:Gee....for a moment l thought you were about to choke....
*suddenly remembers something*Ah....l was about to forget. . .*summons a present box*Well, you'll probably think it's another prank,but the thing is, it's not.It's actually almost the same with the present l left for Reich. . .*hands the present to Asriel*

Asriel looked up at Lisette with a curious expression as he took notice of the present,suspiciously looking at it before looking back at Lisette and slowly pushing himself up and dusting himself off, taking the box afterwards but not opening it

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