Tsumugi's Shipping Scroll

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(Started writing late at night and is drunk on sleep. This is when I come up with some really stupid stuff that disentangle make sense. Also sorry if at any point the characters are ooc.I try not to do that but it happens to everyone)

(Sorry for so many notes at that top lol. Anyway this is some sort of AU where I guess there isn't a killing game, monokuma just kidnapped them for some reason. Maybe it was for Tsumugi's shipping. Who knows?)

Shuichi walked to the dinning hall, like he did every morning for breakfast. When he walked through the doors, everyone was there like usual.

"Uuuuugh I'm so bored! When will people started to actually get together!! I made a whole list of ships already and NO ONE has made a move!" Tsumugi shouted.

"To be fair, Shirogane-Chan, I have asked Maki out like a billion times," Kaito responded.

"Yes.And I've turned him down every time," Maki gave him her ever so famous "Do you wanna die" Glares.

"Yes, yes, everyone knows about you two! BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THESE!!" Tsumugi then proceeded to roll out a scroll of ship names and how much she shipped them on a scale from one to ten.

"Nyeh?! Tenmiko is 10/10?!" Himiko shouted.

"Wha- huh?!" Tenko had waterfalls of drool coming out of her mouth. She then fainted.

"What do you guys think of my ships?!" Tsumugi asked enthusiastically. "I put a lot of effort to try and find some of the perfect pairings!!"

"You hentai loving virgin! Why am I not on the list!?" Miu shouted.

"No human being should have to deal with you, Iruma-chan." Tsumugi explained. "Except for maybe Kiibo... BECAUSE YOUR AN INVENTOR AND HE'S A ROBOT!! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!" she proceeded to scribble it onto the list.

"I couldn't tell if that was a robophobic remark or not, Shirogane-San," Kiibo said nervously.

Shuichi, being the curious detective he is, asked a question he would later regret. "Who do you ship me with?"

"OoOoOoOooooOOOOOHHH HOO HOO!!" Tsumugi gave an evil looking face, "I SHIP YOU WITH EVERYONE HERE, Saihara-Kun!! But of course not all of them are a 10/10"

"What?!" Shuichi jumped, "why do you ship me with... Everyone?!"

"There are only two ships that are 10/10 that include you, Saihara-Kun," Tsumugi said, ignoring his question. "And those are Oumasai and Saimatsu!"

Kokichi spit out the panta he was drinking which accidentally (or maybe deliberately) splashed Kiibo in the face. Kokichi was blushing like crazy.

Shuichi and Kaede were also blushing, their faces pinker than pepto bismal.

"W-why is that Shi-Shirogane-chan?  I-I, the Ultimate s-supreme leader, don't need anyone to c-care about," Kokichi stuttered, for once his lie being obvious.

"A-and, Shuichi and I are j-just f-friends, r-right Shuichi?" Kaede asked.

Shuichi didn't respond. Little did anyone know that Tsumugi had actually high key shipped him with the two people he had a crush on. He might as well be dead.

Tsumugi looked disappointed, "Aww well that's too bad that you and Saihara-Kun are just friends, Akamatsu-Chan. Well there's always Amamatsu!"

Rantaro then dropped his guacamole on the ground and his two ahoges stood up, he then ran out of the room.

Tsumugi then proceeded to list the ships off her scroll as if she was doing a story time with kids. She screeched and fan girled as one by one the students fainted or ran back to their rooms, flustered from embarrassment.

A/N: Hope you liked the chapteeeerr.  It was weird, I know. That's what you can expect from here on out. You have been warned XD. Also for some reason whenever I typed Rantaro it autocorrects to Santa Rosa. What the hell...

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