Cliche Horror Movie

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(Happy Halloween everyone! Get lots of candy and ship it to m-)

It was a cliche dark and stormy night. Korky Dorky, Luminary of the stfu, ASSasSIN, Panta-Chan, Emo boi, Avocadaddy, and Kayaydead were exploring the forest on HaLLoWs eVe like normal people do.

Kadead grabbed the sides of her arms, "It's so embarrassing... but I'm pretty scared..." 

"It's alright, I'll A L W A Y S be there to protect u," Rarararararrantaro said, pulling her into a hug.

Maki limped by the two, "Fuck both of you," She said, because her boyfriend, Kaito, was on her back and clinging to her tightly.


Kork the adorkable dork walked by with a Charlie Brown style sheet over his head, "Sorry, it was just me. I wanted to converse with the Sp¡R¡tZ."

"HOLY MOTHER OF FUCCCCC," Kaito yelled, falling of Maki's bacc.

"OH MY FUGGING A T U A! GUYS LOOK AT THISSS TRREEEEEEEEE!!!1!!11!!!1" Panta dood yelled.

Succ boi Sexhara walked up to the tree, "Wtf is this note...." he said, picking up the paper that was attached to the tree.

"Screw the note, THERE'S PANTA IN THE WHOLE OF THIS TREEEEEE!!!" Kokichi yelled.

Rantaro smirked, "That's what she sai-" Then Kad3d slapped him. oof. took the note from Succ. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!1!1!!!!!1111!!" He yelled.

Maki read the note out loud, "¥0u w¡ŁŁ b€c0m€ @N 3m0j€€€€€"

Kaito looked up confused, "What is 'Yen Zero u w upside down exclamation point L with slash L with slas-"

Panta boi sHOOK his head in despair, "It says that you will become an emoji."

"YOU MUS NUT GIVE INTO THE TEMPTATION!!!!!" Korecc yell, "I DON"T WANT U TO BECOME AN EMOJIIIIIIIIIIII!!!111!!!11223!!!6267!!38!92!!U111!Q!owojop!!!!!"

"Hey, Calm down," Sushi said, "It was probably just left by some nine year old minecrafter who hates on people because they have nothing better to do."

"That's... oddly specific," Kayayday said.

"Well I'm dating one, so-"


"Close enough."

Kokichi sighed, "Well I've never seen this fuccing note in my entire life. Who uses different currency signs to type words, anyway????"

That's when there was a slight rumbling noise. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!??!?" Kaido yelled.

AssSin sighed, "Shut the fuck up Kaito, It's probably nothin- HOLY SHIT!!!!!"

everyone turned around, and there st00d a tol boof dood with a cheinsawr. He was wearing a MaSSC that covered his whole face of meh emoji.

"NOOOOOoOOOOooOO00000OOo))OooooooOOOOOO!!!!111!!1111!!!!!1!11!" Korekiyo yelled, "IT'S ANNNNN EMMOOOJJIIIIIIII"

The tol dood gently caressed his chain saw and turned it on (That's what miU sAid) so everyone started screaming.


Everyone ran deeper into the forest as the Emoji chased them.

After a little while, they reached a clearing with a convenient patch of moonlight.

"I think we lost him," Kafuckingisgoingtobedead said.

"I'm going to call the police," Maki said. She got out her phone but Kaito grabbed it and YEETED into the forest somewhere.

"Kaito... WHAT THE FUCK!" She whisper shouted.

"WHAT IF HE HAS A DEVICE TO TRACK PHONE USAGE!!!!!!!!!!!" Kaytoi shouted at the top of his lungs.

"So, he MIGHT have one of those, but you doN'T THINK HE HAS FUCKING EARS TO HEAR YOU YEELLLLLIIIIINNNNGGGGG???????" Cockichichichi whisper yelled.


Korkie sighed, "I'll call the police the-" then MomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomSTARZ threw his phone. Kork the kicked Kaito in his MOMOTA

"How are we gonna get out of here alive???" Shuichi sighed.

"AHHH!!! SUSHI-CHAN I FOUND SOMETHING SCARY, PLZ PROTECC MEEEEEEEE!!!!" Lolkichi said, hugging succ the ducc, and pointing to a tree.

There was pepto bismal spilled all over the tree. Rantaro was all cut up and Kaded lived up to her name.

"I knew they'd be the first dead," MaykE rawLZzZ says.

"YOU AREN'T AT ALL WORRIED BY THIS??????" sCardEy kAke said. mayki shrugged.

"AHHHHH!!1!11" Korshiyo scremed. "THEY WERE TURNED INTO EMOJIS!!!!" 

it was tru. Kayaydeath had heart eyes and Raintearo had cris.

"Holy shit..." Shuichi sighed. "We're all gonna die...."

Meh Emoji tol guy walked into the light and started to run up to PEACHYCAKE-KUN!!!! He had his chainsaw ready, but Kait froze in place. He couldn't move. Just when he was about to get turned into chop suey, MAC THE ROLL jumped in front of him.

"MMMMMAAAAAAKKKEEEEYYYYYYYY RUUUUUUULLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" Kakey cried as she dropped to the florr. He cried over her dEd body...... bu then got sliCED. wasted.

"And then there were three," Kokichi said in a monotone voice. "GOD DAAMIT I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!!!"

"Well, that's a shame," Meh moji said, slicing Kokichi in two.

"K-KOKICHIIIII!!!!!!!!!!" Shuichi shouted as his boyfriend died in front of his eyes.

Kork then fainted because Kokichi turned into an emoji.

"God just take me now," Sushi Sahahra said to Meh moji. So meh moji cUt him. And turned him into an emoji.

Korekiyo woke up from the floor, "good. They're all dead now!!" He said, high fiving meh moji.

Meh moji took off his mascc. It was actually Rwyoma on stilts.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Rwyoma said, "NOW WHERE ARE MY DUCKLINGS?!?!"

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