Can You Cut The String? - Soulmate AU pt2

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~Shuichi's POV~

It was now lunch period, and Kaito and I were sitting in the classroom where detention was held. We sat at some desks, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"S-sorry, bro," Kaito said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's not your fault," I smiled and assured him of that.

Shortly after, a woman who I could only assume to be the teacher, walked in. "So you two are the troublemakers who were passing notes this morning?" The teacher said in a cutesy voice. She had a tall brown ponytail and tan skin.

"Y-yes..." I whispered.

"Well, I'm Miss Aoi Asahina! Welcooooome to detention!" She cheered.

She took a seat at the front desk, "oh and the rules! Um, no talking or using cellphones!" She giggled.

A few seconds later, Ouma walked into the room. "Sup, Miss Hina," He said, handing her a paper bag.

She took the bag with a smile on her face. She opened it up, and pulled out a donut. "I'm good! Thank you, Ouma!" She said, taking a bite. Ouma walked to the desk that was next to mine and sat in it. Me, still being embarrassed from this morning, pulled my hat down my face. Turns out, he had lunch detention too.

"So, Saihara-Chaaaan, you wanted to know me?" He grinned. I blushed in embarrassment.

"We're not allowed to talk, right? I wouldn't want you getting into more trouble..." I whispered, trying to get out of the awkward situation.

"Nah we're good," He said, "a donut a day, keeps me on Miss Hina's good side."

I looked back at Miss Asahina. She was happily eating her donut, not seeming to care that Ouma was speaking to me.

"Really?" Kaito asked, not believing she could be won over by a donut.

"Yes, Space boy! In fact, I know how to manipulate most teachers! Except for a few... I think I'm onto something with Miss Kirigiri, though! Her and Mister Naegi seem to be quite close..." Ouma explained.

"That's... Pretty cool," I said. Although I'd never do that myself, I found it fascinating that someone would do that. Kokichi smiled at my response.

Kaito nudged my side, "Shuichi! Bro, y'know he has a reputation to lie, right? I mean, what person would listen to a stringless like him!?" That was a bit harsh. I was kinda upset he would say something like that considering my opinion on that subject.

Ouma glared at him, "well lucky for a stringless like me, most of the teachers don't seem to care with my manipulation methods! Sure, they may not exactly like that I don't have a strong, but I know how to play them well," He turned away from Kaito and looked at me, "speaking of which, why don't you care that I don't have a string, Saihara-Chan?"

"It's... A long story,"

The reason was, because I wasn't happy with my own soulmate and I forever wished to separate myself from her.

I didn't exactly want to say I didn't love Kaede, especially around Kaito, so that's what I came up with.

"I'll be sure to hear it someday, Nishishi!" He laughed.

Ouma and I continued to talk to each other, much to Kaito's disapproval. But, I was happy to finally be able to talk with him. He was much more interesting than I had imagined, and I felt comfortable talking with him.

Lunch period ended, "Well, goodbye Ouma." I said, gathering my things getting ready for my next period.

"I hope to see you again~" He winked, grinning. I blushed as he left the room.

"That guy is a piece of work," Kaito groaned. I playful hit his arm, and left the room myself.

~Time Skip~

After school, I met up with Kaede as usual. I saw Ouma on my way to her classroom, so I waved at him. He grinned and waved back. That got me a few strange stares from others, but I didn't mind. I made it to where Kaede and I usually meet. She was there, talking to Rantaro Amami, another one of our classmates. He was like Kaito, he hadn't found his soulmate yet. Apparently, he was going to leave school at the end of next week to travel the world for an unknown reason. Apparently, he was going alone. I've never talked to him before, and I wondered what business Kaede had with him. Were they friends?

"Hey, Kaede!" I waved to her. She took her eyes off Amami and turned towards me. "Oh! Shuichi!"

Amami also turned around to look at me. He had a bit of a disappointed look on his face when I came into his vision. "So, This is your soulmate, Kaede?" He asked.

He called her by her first name, so it was obvious they we're close. Then, why haven't I met him before?

"Yup! This is Shuichi Saihara," She smiled, grabbing onto my arm.

Amami just turned his focus back to Kaede, "hm. Well, it was nice talking to you again Kaede."

Once he left, I asked Kaede that question that was on my mind, "how do you know that guy?"

She sighed. "He was... A friend of mine. I never introduced you two because I didn't think you'd really get along..." I couldn't tell whether or not that was a lie.

"He and his parents moved away, and I really missed him. When I heard he was back a few weeks ago, I had to talk to him again! We've been catching up! But... He's gonna leave... Leave me again..." She said, I could tell she was holding back some tears. They had a relationship that I couldn't exactly place my finger on.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Kaede..."

She smiled, "it's not your fault, Shuichi!"

We continued our walk home, a companionable silence the whole way.

A/N: I'm sorry, there's gonna be another part to this. But that's the last part, I swear!! I've just been really busy and was going to add more to this, but this was a good stopping point and it's really late already. I hope you don't mind how late I'm posting these and still enjoy reading them! I'm in the middle of moving, so I've lost almost all my free time. I hope you can understand, thank you!

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