Vampire AU

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Ok so 2TheVampireGal2 requested a vampire au... Sorry it took a while XD I actually did some research for this cause I felt like it.


Vampires were known for being creatures of mischief. They were undead beings who visted loved ones and places they lived when they were alive. But unfortunately, they fed on the blood of humans, which could cause death. That was the reason for the vampire hunters, they protected their villages from these creatures.

Shuichi Saihara, was one of them. His family was very famous for hunting them, so it was only natural he became one too. Shuichi didn't exactly like the job, though. He felt bad that they Vampires he killed, we're once human beings and that the vampires couldn't help their thirst for blood.

Shuichi was sitting in his room, reading a book. He felt relaxed, which of course meant he had to get disturbed. "Shuichi, there's been word of a vampire sighting. I need you on the look out, immediately," Shuichi's uncle explained.

Shuichi sighed, but got up. He and his uncle grabbed their gear and headed out.

Shuichi's uncle stationed him near the forest, where he watched for any sight of the creature. This was very boring for Shuichi, so sometimes he would get distracted and lost in thought.

He thought about his best friend, Kokichi Ouma. He was mischievous and a liar, but he was funny and kind when he wanted to be. Shuichi had cared deeply for him, he loved him, but he had gone missing some time ago. No one knew how or why, but he just disappeared one day. Most people thought it was safe to say he was dead.

Kokichi was the only friend Shuichi had, and he was the only one he felt he needed. They spent all of their time together, and Shuichi was the only person Kokichi trusted. Shuichi missed him, and had hope that he'd come back someday. It had been months, almost a year though, so he was begining to lose some of that hope.

There was a rustling in the forest, which caused Shuichi to snap out of his thoughts. A shadowy figure was present, deep in the forest. Shuichi tensed and hid low in the greenery, could this be the Vampire?

Shuichi had hoped that if they vampire did decide to show its face again tonight, that it would be where his uncle was stationed, not where he was. He didn't want to have to kill it.

He heard the rustling get closer to his hiding place. He looked through the bushes he was hiding in to see the figure more clearly.

The figure was short, with dark purple hair. It had powder white skin, it was definitely a vampire. Shuichi couldn't see the face of the vampire, but it looked familiar.

Shuichi shook that thought away. He just had to get the job over with. He repeated that to himself, prepared to kill the vampire, until he got a better look at who it was. "K-Kokichi?!" He called, finally realizing why he had looked so familiar.

The vampire turned around, immediately recognizing the voice. "Shu?"

Shuichi couldn't believe Kokichi was standing only a couple of feet away from him after almost a year of him being missing. This did mean one thing though, "Y-you d-died?!" Shuichi asked, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Kokichi stayed silent as Shuichi walked closer to him, "h-how?!" Shuichi asked.

"It's a long story," Kokichi frowned before shaking it off and grinning, "but that's besides the point! I thought it was about time I payed you a visit."

Shuichi was still confused with the situation at hand, but he really didn't care why or how this was happening, he was just happy he was getting to Kokichi again.

"So, I see you became a vampire hunter too, just like the rest of your family," Kokichi began, "Nishishi, you aren't gonna kill me, are you?"

"Course I wouldn't!" Shuichi replied instantly.

"Good! I'll try my best not to kill you either!"

The two boys laughed together. They began to catch up on what they had missed, and chat about other things they used to talk about. Although Shuichi knew this was dangerous no matter how much you trusted the person when they were human, but he felt the risk was worth it for Kokichi. Then Kokichi did something unexpected, he hugged Shuichi. "I've missed you a lot..." He said. Shuichi smiled and agreed with the shorter boy.

Then, someone came into the forest, "UN HAND MY NEPHEW!" Shuichi's uncle yelled, holding up his weapon. Kokichi and Shuichi jumped in fear.

"N-no, you d-don't understand! H-he's not gonna h-hurt anyone! So please don't harm him!" Shuichi pleaded.

"It's a vampire, Shuichi! You cannot trust them!" His uncle yelled. "I need you to step out of the way so I have a clear shot."

"I promise I'll leave now, I just came to see your nephew," Kokichi explained, backing away.

"You think I'm going to let you go that easily? I can't keep the people of this village in danger!" He shouted.

"Please just leave him alone!" Shuichi yelled. It was too late though, Shuichi's uncle had already fired a shot at Kokichi.

It had only shot him in the shoulder, but this unfortunately had caused him to lose it. He had lost all sense of righteousness, and attacked Shuichi's uncle.

"Kokichi, NO!" Shuichi yelled.

His uncle struggled to avoid Kokichi's attacks until he got hit hard in the face and scratched in the stomach. He fell to the ground, vulnerable to whatever Kokichi could throw at him. "Please, Shuichi! Just kill it!" His uncle panicked in fear.

"I-I can't!" Shuichi said, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

Kokichi walked closer to him, looking ready to kill. "Shuichi, please!" His uncle pleaded.

Shuichi didn't want to lose anymore of his living loved ones, so he did what he had to do.

A/N: sorry it's kinda bad and kinda rushed.... Buuuuut I had a lot of fun writing it!

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