Babysitting Squad

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Maki was given the biggest babysitting job she'd ever received. She had baby sat these kids before, but never all at the same time.

She had asked Shuichi and Kaito if they wanted to join her. They both agreed. Buuuuut, Kokichi had decided to tag along as well. Maki wasn't sure how that would play out.

Maki, Shuichi, and Kokichi were sitting in the living room, waiting for Kaito to arrive, when Maki's phone rang.

She picked it up, "Kaito, where the hell are you?" She asked.

"Ha ha.. Sorry Maki Roll... I have to cancel," He said.

"Wait..... So you're telling me, YOU'RE LEAVING ME ALONE WITH YOUR EMO BEST FRIEND AND HIS BOYFRIEND? ALONE??" Maki yelled into the phone.

"Yep! Got to go bye!"

Maki pulled out her Katana, ready to kill, when the doorbell rang, "fuck. That's the children."

Shuichi got up to answer the door, and a woman with bubblegum pink hair and lipstick was standing there. "Hey, so I'm here to drop of these little abortions. I can't believe I was the one who had to drop all of them off... Probably because I have a van. It's only for the weed though. You have no idea how much I would kill for some f-"

"Ahahaha... Thanks ma'am! We'll take good care of these Kids!" Shuichi laughed, letting all the children inside and slamming the door afterwards.

"Why'd you slam the door so quickly?" Kokichi asked.

"I don't think that woman should be qualified to be a parent..."

"Oh so Ms. Hagakure dropped them off..." Maki sighed.

"MISS MAKI!!" One of the children, who looked about four, said, running up to hug Maki.

"Ppfffft, 'Miss'?" Kokichi laughed. Maki shot him a death glare.

"Kokichi..." Shuichi sighed.

"This is Sonia. I told her just to call me Maki... But she insists on calling me 'Miss Maki'" She explained.

"A footure queen must always use fomalities!" Sonia explained.

"Who are these two idiots?" A blonde boy, who was about seven or eight, asked.


"I'm Shuichi and This is Kokichi. Please don't call us idiots though, that isn't very nice," Shuichi informed the child.

"How is he already so good at this kid thing??" Kokichi thought.

"That's Byakuya," Maki introduced. She lowered her voice, "he's a bit of an aaasss"

"Byakuya, why are you always so mean?" A brown haired boy who looked about the same age, asked.

"Psh, do you expect me to be nice to you peasants, Makoto?" He asked.

"This is why nobody likes you," A lavender haired girl said.

"Those are Kyoko and Makoto," Maki Introduced.

"Hey Miss Sonia, can I pwease get a hug?" A pink haired boy, who looked the same age as Sonia, asked.

Sonia smiled, letting go of Maki, "Of course!" She hugged the pink haired boy tightly. He smiled in pure happiness.

"That's Kazuichi, he likes Soda," Maki said.

"Me and him will get along!" Kokichi stated.

There was one more kid in back, he was trying to talk to the other kids, but was kinda always shut down. So, he walked up to Kokichi and Shuichi, "hey dudes, I'm Yasuhiro Hagakure!"

"So... You're the son of the woman who dropped you all off?" Shuichi asked. Hagakure nodded confidently.

"Hey, Miss Maki, is the bloo haired guy your boyfrwend?" Sonia asked. Maki sighed.

"N-No!-" Shuichi began.

"He bettER NOT BE," Kokichi interrupted, holding Shuichi tightly.

"Whoy did you get so mad?" Kazuichi asked.

"Obviously because they're dating," Kyoko said.

"That's gAY," Hagakure spoke up.

Sonia looked confused, "What's that?"

"Gay is bad! My dad said so himself," Togami chimed in.

The children started yelling at each other and asking more questions that made Shuichi and Kokichi uncomfortable.

Shuichi attempted to calm everyone down, "H-hey, guys! We shouldn't be talking about stuff like this!"

Togami scoffed, "says the g-"

"That isn't nice!!" Makoto cried.

"I now regret tagging along with you Saihara-Chan..." Kokichi complained.

"Children... Drop. The. Subject." Maki said, her eyes glowing red. Everyone shut up after that.

"Wooooaah," Kokichi said in awe, "She's good."

"Children, I expect better from you," Maki said disappointed, "do you promise me to BEHAVE?"

"Yes Maki..." They all said in unison. They all probably looked up to her, so they didn't want to embarrass themselves in front of her.

"This is my friend, Shuichi," She introduced. The children nodded and greeted him, friendly.

"And this..." She said turning to Kokichi, "is a little... Female dog."

"Hey!" Kokichi shouted.

"Good afternoon, Mister Wittle Female Dog!" Sonia greeted him. Shuichi burst out in laughter.

"I fucking hate you," Kokichi whispered to Maki. "Actually... My name is Kokichi." He explained.

"The first name suited you better," Togami said.

Shuichi continued to giggle.

"Shuuuu! Heeelllllpp meeee!" Kokichi cried.

"But it's funny to see you get roasted by children."


"Alright everyone, I have a movie we can all watch, as long as you promise to shut up," Maki said.

All the kids cheered in excitement as they ran into the living room. A little while later, Maki came back to the entrance.

"Alright, they're all relaxed in the living room a-" There was a sound of shattering coming from living room.

"These mother fuCKERS!" Maki yelled, running into the living room. Kokichi and Shuichi followed her in.



"YOU SNITCH!" Togami yelled, "I only did it cause you really look like you need it!!"

"Why do I even deal with them..." Kyoko said.

"sAme!" Maki shouted, grabbing both boys by their ear. "I HAVE A SPECIAL SHIRT I WANT YOU TWO TO WEAR!!"

After what seemed like world War three later, Maki came back into the living room, revealing Hagakure and Togami wearing the same shirt that says "this is our get along shirt"

Kokichi started laughing maniacally.

"SHUT IT, GRAPE HEAD!" Togami yelled.

"Your parents will hear about this one, and I hope some of that money you 'yeeted' at Hagakure is still in tact, Togami. Cause you'll be needing it to pay me back!" Maki said, her pigtails floating in the air.

"Whatever..." Togami mumbled.





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