Good Morning, Kokichi

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(This chapter was inspired by -MonotonxMakxr- so a big thanks to them!)

It was early morning one Saturday, Shuichi's phone alarm had gone off, waking him up. He stretched out his arms to turn off the alarm, which he did rather slowly. He turned back onto his side and wrapped his boyfriend, Kokichi Ouma, into his arms. "Good Morning, Kokichi" He greeted, quietly.

"Mmm morning Shu... ichi," He said, waking up a bit. He rubbed his eyes and melted into Shuichi's arms. "Why're we awake so early?" He asked yawning.

"It's 8:00," Shuichi said, chuckling slightly.

"My point," Kokichi pouted.

"Well, I have something special planned for today. Buuuut if you're too tired..." Shuichi grinned.

"Something... special planned?" Kokichi asked, tiredly, "is today a holiday I forgot about?"

"Nope. Just thought we could go out. It's been a while, y'know." Shuichi smiled.

"Hmm... ok!" Kokichi said, hoping out of bed as if he had woke up hours ago.

Shuichi's heart warmed at his boyfriend's cute behavior. He had no idea what would be happening later today...

"Alright, you ready to go Shushu?!" Kokichi asked, a while later. He had gotten dressed in a white sweater and his usual checkered scarf. Shuichi grinned, "mhm."

"So, where are we going?" Kokichi asked, grabbing onto Shuichi's arm.

"It's a surprise." He answered.

Kokichi rolled his eyes, "you're no fun!" He pouted, "you know I hate surprises!"

"You'll like this one," Shuichi grabbed Kokichi's hand as they began their walk, Kokichi being impatient the entire time.

Shuichi smiled at how adorably immature his boyfriend could be. "Have I ever told you how cute you are?" He asked. Kokichi looked up at him, "what's all that about??" He asked, laughing.

"Just wanted to remind you," He answered. Kokichi laughed, "Thanks, you weirdo," he said, smiling like an idiot. "Anyway, we there yet?!"

Not long after, they arrived at their destination. Kokichi stared at the place, excitement filling him. "No Way! Really?!" He cheered, standing in front of the bakery they used to go to all the time. "We haven't been here in forever!!!"

"That's why I decided we should go today," Shuichi said, fiddling with his fingers. This place was Kokichi's favorite, and it's where Shuichi confessed his feelings for him.

Kokichi stared at him. It seemed like he was lying, but he shook it off as it was probably nothing. Kokichi grabbed the other's hands and held them tight."Thanks Shumai!!" he cheered. Kokichi opened the door, hitting the little bell, making it chime. He bounced inside, Shuichi following him. As soon as they walked in, the scent of fresh baked pastries washed over them. "Nishishi! Just like I remembered!"

"How can I help you two?" The person behind the cash register asked. "Hmm.. How many can I get, Shushu?" Kokichi asked, with an evil grin. "N-not too many," Shuichi answered, laughing quietly, "If I know you, you'll probably end up eating them all today and get sick."

"Hmm.. that's fair!" Kokichi said. He excitedly turned around and looked at the array of sweets to choose from. He was like a little kid in a candy store. Well, I guess if your talking about Kokichi, a young adult in a bakery isn't different at all.

After Kokichi had picked out a few treats, they paid and left. "They smell delicious, don't they?" He asked.

Shuichi nodded in agreement. "How did I know you were mostly gonna get grape flavored sweets?" he laughed. "Hey! Grape is a perfectly good flavor!" He argued. Shuichi teasingly stuck out his tongue in disgust. "Suit yourself," Kokichi complained.

They had reached the crosswalk, and Kokichi skipped ahead. A driver that wasn't paying much attention sped down the street, Kokichi not noticing in time.

As quickly as possible, Shuichi grabbed Kokichi's arm, throwing him out of the way. That caused Shuichi to take the hit himself. "SHUICHIIIII!!!!" Kokichi cried, running up to him. Shuichi started to lose consciousness. "Nonono no!!!! You can't die, Shuichi!! Not today not ever!!!" He yelled, tears flowing.

The person driving the car was long gone, but that didn't matter at this point. Kokichi had called an ambulance very frantically, but it was too late.


The morning light shown through the window of the bedroom as Shuichi's morning alarm went off. He shut it off slowly and turned back onto his side. "Good morning.... Kokichi."




god I need to post more often...

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