What a memey day

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It was a nice, hopefully day, and Nagito Komeda was walking down Bagel Meme Rd. He was going to make sure Kokichi was practicing his memes. Komeda opened the door to Kokichi’s house, and an unexpected scene unfolded. The screen went staticy and ear rape played. Komeda found the body of his meme student,  Kokichi, the ultimate savage.

Pepto Bismal was spilled all over his scarf bandana thing, there was a knife near his body, and there was a note Nagito didn't give a fuck to read. Komeda grabbed his phone out of his hair and called the one and only Sushi Saihara. As soon as someone picked up he said, “Shuichi! Come quick! Your boyfriend looks like he's dead!”


“oh, uh where’s Shuichi?” Nagito asked while munching on a bagel (hope in every bite).

“In the shower,” Kayayday responded.

“WTF. TMI, BITCH!” Komeda shouted.

“Anyway, why were you calling?” Piano chick asked.

“Kokichi died.”

“You mean, short, asshole, motherfucking bitch, hilarious ass, crazy ass, Kokichi,” Kaede corrected.

“Yeah whatever. Anyway, he's dead get here asap so I can give you all hope bagels anD BE A STEPPING STON- I mean so we can figure out who killed him,” Nagito said, Then he hung up the phone like the little fucker he was.

10 hours later Shuichi and Kaede finally got there,  and then there was a sound. BOOOONG BINNNGGGGG BIIIIINNNNNGGGG BOOOONG!!

 “A bOdY haS bEen diScoVeRd” Monokuma screamed. Nagito fainted and passed the point of view to Shuichi. “Fuck!  Now I'm the main character!” Shuichi screamed. Kayayday said, “no I thought I was the protag-” She then got inturupted by monokuma.

“WHO CARES AT THIS POINT!” then monokuma proceeded to spout spoilers. Shuichi began to examine Kokichi’s body and found a note that said “pink hair boy did it lawlz.”

“Who is pink hair boy?” Kayayday asked. Shuichi made a face that looks like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and then strawberry panta got squirted in his face.

Miu was in the background and thought, “wow that's hella hawt,” And added it to her list of kinks under hot wax and ketchup.

“This is getting off topic!” The guy who squirted the panta said. He had pink hair. Wait… pink hair? Shuichi got a flashback to the note he read 0.2 seconds ago.

“DID U KILL KOKICHI??????” Sushi yelled.

“Wha- no-no I'm not the only male character with pink hair in danganronpa!” He said.

“sore wa chigau yo!” Shuichi yelled. Kazuichi Souda was the only male character in danganronpa with pink hair. Kaede was about to get monokuma, but then Maki Roll comes in, Kaito on her back, and cut Souda’s head off!

“WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!” Shuichi asked.   

“Well a girl outside who looked like a princess said a guy with pink hair was sexually harassing her,” Kaito explained.

“Plus. Kaito is paying me good money to kill him,” Maki said. Kaito then through money at Maik's face.

“Anyway, what going on?” They asked, “and why are Kaede and Hope Bagel Jesus passed out on the floor?” Shuichi then looked behind him to see Kaede and Nagito passed out with the monocubs on top of them (dead of course).

“Well Kokichi died an-” Then Kiyo showed up.

“DID SOMEONE SAY DEAD???” he said in his creepy ass voice, “KEHKEHKEHKEH! DO WE NEED TO PERFORM A SEANCE??  WITH SEESAWS AND RED ROPES??????” Shuichi did not know what the hekk was going on, but then, he noticed something. An ant sized Ryoma was writing and inspirational quote used by all. It said “you still got a waaaayyyyyzzz to go.” Shuichi realised, he was right! Shuichi needed to expose the truth of this case to avenge all that was involved in this bullshit an- then Kokichi got up from the floor.

“Geez this is getting booooooring! You guys are no fun!” Kokichi had a face that looked like this (-_-).

“Wait! You're NOT dead?!?!” Shuichi, Maki, Kaito, ant Ryoma, Kaede, Hope Bagel Jesus, Kiyo, and Kazuichi’s head asked.

“Duh-doy I'm not dead motherfuckers!” *gay silence (because Kokichi can make anything gay I guess)*. Then monokuma showed up an exploded everyone.

“Why the hell did you do that?!” Miu yelled.

“Because they still had a waaaayyys to go.”


A/N: I wrote this a while ago and found it XD it's great.

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