April Fools Day

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(So this is the actual one shot for today. I'm actually going to do the thing I mentioned in the A/N last chapter, so this one will be super short)

April First. One of Kokichi's favorite days of the year. The day he actually had an excuse to make the lives of his classmates a living hell.

Every year, Kokichi planned over the top pranks for each and everyone of his classmates, and he had special plans for one boy in particular. Instead of just one prank, he would pull many and end it off with a confession of his feelings. Since it was April fools, if he were rejected, he could easily pass it off as a joke.

When he walked into his first class early in the morning, he could already hear Tsumugi shouting with glee, as he expected.

"Kaede, look!!" She cheered, clutching a note in her hand, the one Kokichi had left on her desk yesterday afternoon, "This note is from an upperclassman! They say they think I'm cute, that they adore my cosplay, and that they want to meet me after school today! They gave pretty specific directions, too!" Kokichi chuckled to himself, looks like someone hadn't checked the date. April Fools~

"Oooh, Tsumugi! Congratulations!" Kaede cheered, "have any idea of who it could be?"

"I have no idea," Tsumugi sighed, "but I'm secretly hoping its Komaeda-San~" Kaede laughed and rolled her eyes.

Kokichi strolled to his desk and sat on top of it, looking to the boy to his right, Shuichi Saihara. Shuichi currently had his nose in a book, and his expression was so attentive. Kokichi studied the way he slightly squinted his eyes, his knitted eyebrows, and his beautifully long lashes. It killed him to distract him and end this adorable expression, but that was his job on this chaotic day.

Kokichi quickly snatched the boy's hat and placed it on his own head, "evening, Saihara-Chan!"

"A-Ah!" Shuichi yelped, he quickly put his book down, causing him to lose his place. It was unintentional, but Kokichi wasn't complaining.

"Ou-Ouma-Kun, give me back my hat!" Shuichi shouted, his face flushing red.

"Nishishi, April fools!" Kokichi laughed before putting Shuichi's hat back on his head, "I do think you look a lot cuter without that silly emo hat, though."

"S-Stop teasing me," Shuichi said, adjusting his hat so it once again covered his eyes that Kokichi found oh so pretty.

"But I'm being serious, Saihara-Chan!!" Kokichi said.

"..." Shuichi tried to pull his hat lower down his face, Kokichi not knowing how that was even possible, "Today's April first... I doubt I can trust you today..."

"Aww!! Saihara-Chan's so mean!!" Kokichi cried, shedding fake tears.

"See what I mean," Shuichi sighed, looking back for where he left off in his book.

"Aww, boring. You're no fun," Kokichi sighed, "but of course that's a lie~ You're probably the most fun person to be around, Shumai!"

"Shu-Shu-Shumai?!" Shuichi blushed, shutting his book once again.

Kokichi laughed, but before he could respond, Ms. Yukizome walked into the classroom, "good morning, students!"

"Morning, Ms. Yukizome," everyone responded, minus the enthusiasm from most.

"You all wont be so down when I tell you our special plans for today!" Ms. Yukizome announced, "Today I've decided to let you all practice in your talent labs for the majority of the day! All these classes, assignments, and deadlines are stressing you all out, I know, so I think we should take the time to develop our talents first hand!" Cheers could be heard from everyone around the room, apart from Kokichi of course.

The thing about talent lab time was that there was almost no adult supervision. You'd be productive half the time, and the other half you'd goof off or hang in a friend's lab. Every student at Hope's peak loved to do some pretty stupid things with the materials their labs provided.

"But before we leave I just wanna say one thing," Ms. Yukizome smiled, "April fools, class!" Kokichi, of course, saw this coming. He put Ms. Yukizome up to it after all.

Now rather than cheers, grunts and groans could be heard around the room. Both Kokichi and Ms. Yukizome were chuckling to themselves.

"Wait, its April fools day today?!" Kaito shouted, "Dammit! Who knows what Kokichi already has planned! Or if his pranks are already in motion! Everyone, dont trust a single thing he does or says!"

Kokichi rolled his, and Ms. Yukizome continued with class.

《Time Skip to Lab Time Brought to you by the beautiful emo to the extremo sushi succ boi》

Most of Kokichi's pranks were set to occur during Talent Lab Time, so rather than going to his own, he walked the halls and waited for his classmate's reaction. Shuichi's in particular.

He knew Kaede's was one she would notice immediately, so he made his way to her lab and waited outside the door.

"Ugh!! Why. Isn't. It. Opening!!" Kaede yelled, before slamming her fist down. Kokichi had glued down the wood part that covers the piano keys (I have no idea what that's called so please help). The glue wasn't that strong, so it'd come off eventually, but for now it was stuck.

Kokichi popped his head into her lab for a second, "APRIL FOOLS KAYAYDAY!" He shouted before running away. He could hear the shouts of Kaede behind him, but continued to sprint ahead without looking back.

It had been about half an hour, and Kokichi was pretty sure his entire class was planning to kill him, so he went to seek solitude in his beloved Saihara's Talent Lab.

"Saihara-Chaaaaan!" Kokichi called. He looked around the room, seeing that Shuichi had managed to avoid EVERY prank he set up in his lab, "woah, you're good."

"I caught on quickly. I have to admit, these were all well played," he answered in a monotone voice, still concentrated on his book from earlier.

Shuichi finished the page, and put his book down, before looking up hat Kokichi and pushing his at up slightly, "but-but why'd you p-prank me s-so much?" He asked, fidgeting with his thumbs.

Kokichi took a second to admire Shuichi's golden eyes. Seeing them in their full glory was more of a once in a lifetime chance after all. Kokichi shook out of his trance and walked over to sit down next to Shuichi. This was it, time to get it over with, "its because I like you, Shumai." Kokichi responded, averting his gaze from Shuichi and too the ground, "Like... really like you."

Shuichi's face turned completely red, he opened his mouth but no words came out, not before he scowled anyway, "d-don't prank p-people in that-that way, Ouma-kun!"

"But it's not a joke, Saihara-Chan," Kokichi smiled, "I really do love you."

"I-I'm being serious, Kokichi! Y-you shouldn't prank people i-in this w-way because..." Shuichi began, "The next person you say this too might actually like you back!"

Kokichi could feel his heart literally sink. Shatter into a million pieces. However, it was to be expected. Could he really believe someone as beautiful, smart, and kind as Saihara would like him.

He was about to play it off as a joke and cry about later, when Saihara spoke up again. "A-A-A-April Fools, O-Ouma-kun..." he smiled.

Kokichi let out a huge sigh and started to wipe away the barely noticeable but present tears pricking the corners of his eyes, "Saihara-Chan! You really had me there for a second, you know that?! YOU'RE SO MEAN!!" Kokichi cried.

Shuichi laughed and pulled Kokichi into a tight hug, Kokichi accepting and wrapping his own arms around the taller boy. Shuichi pecked him on the cheek, "happy April fools day, Kokichi..."

A/N: H A. Super short my ass. This ended up being 1300 words. I mean that's shorter than what I do now, but still not super short.

Anyway hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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