K1-B0 Gets Bullied

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Kiibo was walking down the hall to get to the dinning hall. Although he could not eat food, Kiibo liked to stare down at his plate and pretend to cry, for he could not cry either.

On his way there, he ran into Shuichi. "Good Morning Saihara-Kun! How are you today?" He asked with enthusiasm.

"I'm well, I was actually looking for you Kiibo," Shuichi explained, "I had a question about your talent," Shuichi put a finger to his chin as if he was thinking hard about something.

"Sure! Ask anything about it, Saihara-Kun!" Kiibo answered.

"Well don't take this the wrong way, but, how is being a robot an actual talent-" Shuichi got cut off by Kiibo.


"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it that way, Kiibo-Kun!" Shuichi tried to apologize, but Kiibo had already ran away.

~Time Skip brought to you by Kiibo's ahoge/antenna/whatever~

After getting over what Shuichi said, Kiibo found Tsumugi siting on a bench. She looked unhappy, so Kiibo decided to talk to her.

"Hello, Shirogane-San! You look upset, is something the matter?" Kiibo asked. (Gee Kiibo is smol)

Tsumugi looked up at Kiibo, "it's just that... none of my ships with you included have saiiiLLLLEEEDD!!" Tsumugi started crying, "WhErE dId I gO wRoNG!?!?"

Kiibo tried to comfort her the best he could, based off his calculations. Then, Tsumugi head suddenly shot up. "It couldn't be because... ROBOTS DONT HAVE HEARTS SO ARE THEY INCAPABLE TO LOVE?!"

Kiibo was greatly offended by that statement, "Shi-Shirogane-San, I can assure you that isn't true! For I can display feeling of love through my calculations! How robophobic of you not to remember!" Kiibo had been hurt by not one, but TWO of his friends' robophobic comments.

"REALLY! SO THAT MEANS IT IS POSSIBLE!!" Kiibo walked away from crazy Tsumugi as she started to write some things into a note book.

~Time Skip time agaaaaaaaain~

Kiibo sat down in the dinning hall. All his friends were being robophobic. Kaito called him Google, Tenko through him on the ground for no reason, and Miu was sexually harassing him because he was a robot. Kiibo was having a terrible day, at least Kokichi wasn't here to make it wors-

"OooOoOoOooHH MY BELOVED SAIIIHAAARRAAA?! Where'd he run off too..." Kokichi called. "Oh sup Kiiboy."

"What do you want, Ouma-kun," Kiibo said, not wanting to deal with this purple 5'1 gremlin.

"Well, I've realized I've been a real dick ever since we got trapped here, so I wanted to find everyone and apologize. I was looking for Saihara-Chan, but since your here I guess I'll apologize to you first," Kokichi began. "So, I'm sorry for being 'robophobic' to you Kiibo-chan."

"R-really?!" Kiibo asked. He couldn't belive that Kokichi was actually going to stop being robophobic! He wouldn't have to be scared of him anymore! Maybe they could actually be frien-


"Wha- Ouma-Kun, what are you doing?! No! Stay away! KYAAAAAAAAA!" Kiibo yelled as Kokichi advanced with his level 5 creepy ass face. Scientists predict Kokichi was roasting the crap out of Kiibo, and can sense high levels of robophobia.

Fin. Pray to Atua for Kiibo's safety.

A/N: Robots may or may not have been injured during the making of this crack chapter.

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