Couple Battle

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(requested by Username8746489)

~Kokichi's POV~

It was a hot afternoon, and I somehow found myself hanging out with Momota, Harukawa, Chabashira, Yumeno, and Shirogane. The details were fuzzy, but all I remember is Saihara cutely asking if I wanted to hang out on the weekend. Of course I said yes to him, however, He had failed to mention the idiots who would also be joining. I sat down on the couch next to Saihara and Shirogane. Saihara had been pretty busy talking to Momota, and I  knew that conversation would be near impossible to join, so I sadly didn't get to speak with him much at all. That's when Chabashira randomly began to speak, "Aren't Himiko and I the cutest couple ever?!" She asked, picking Yumeno up and swinging her off her feet.

"Aaah!! Tenko, don't surprise me like that!" She cried.

Momota jumped up out if his seat, and pulled Harukawa up with him, "excuse me," he began, "but I think Maki Roll and I are cuter."

"Kaito, shut up," Harukawa complained.

"Oooooh!!!! Is this a couple fight?!?!" Shirogane squealed, "LET ME BE THE JUDGE!!" We all know that Shirogane shipped every one of her friends with another, so it was obvious that she'd want to judge. She had never told me who she shipped me with tough...

"Is this really necessary?" Saihara asked.

"Of course it is!! It'll tell me which I should write fanfiction for most often!!" Shirogane explained.

"I'm not sure I want to win..." Yumeno said.

Tenko put her hands on her hips, "c'mon, Himiko!! Just think of the bragging rights we can have over that degenerate male!"

"I guess that would be nice."

"Then it's settled!" Momota shouted. "We're having a couples battle right here, right now!!" And here's where madness ensues.

Shirogane sat excitedly in her seat.

"The first ever couples battle hosted by, yours truly, and co-hosted by Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Ouma is about to begin!" Shirogane called.

"When did I become apart of this?" I asked.

"Shut up and go with it," she whispered.

"Tenmiko v.s Kaimaki, who will win??" Saihara laughed adorably. Even he was getting into it.

I jokingly rolled my eyes but continued, "Kaito and Maki, will you start us off?" I asked, playing along.

"Well, Kaito's really loud and friendly, almost the complete opposite of me," Harukawa began.

"You mean, Loud, friendly, and an idiot," I corrected her.

"Hey!" Momota yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean," Harukawa said.

Momota put a hand over his heart with a fake offended expression, "Maki Roll!!"

"What? We both know it's true," she shrugged.

"Hmpf! Anyway, since Maki is a badass assassin, it's cute when I can finally get her to blush," Momota winked, "or when she's in a seductive mood."

"Do you wanna fucking die??" Harukawa asked, glaring at him, her face slightly pink.

"Ooh! I like that!!" Shirogane noted, Saihara nodding in agreement.

"Is that all you got?" Chabashira asked.

"Ppft, it's not like you can have anything better," Momota said. Now I hope she does.

"Of course we have something better, you degenerate male!" Chabashira yelled, "first of all, Himiko is so small that she fits perfectly into my arms!"

"Mhmm!" Yumeno smiled, "and since Tenko is so strong, she can carry me everywhere!" She cheered like a little kid. "Tenko has also helped me break out of my shell."

"Yup! Remember when she was so quiet?! I just had to come and give her a boost of confidence and engery!!!!!" Both girls laughed, wrapping their arms around each other, Chabashira kissing Yumeno's cheaks.

"Awwwww! Adorable!!" Tsumugi cheered.

The two couples went back and fourth with arguments on who the cuter couple was, when finally it came to a close.

"Alright! The three of us will now vote for who the cuter couple is!" Shirogane said, handing Saihara and I some paper and pens. "Write down your answer and chose wisely!!"

I didn't have to think twice about who I was gonna write down.

"I definitely vote for Tenmiko," I said, flipping over my piece of paper, "they're definitely cuter!"

"For once I agree, you degenerate male!!" Chabashira smiled.

"You only voted for them because you hate me!!" Momota

"Noooo! Of course not!" I lied.

"Well I voted for Kaimaki," Saihara said, "Harukawa-Chan, Momota-Kun, and I are close friends after all..."

"Hey! It seems both these voters had bias opinions!" Chabashira yelled.

"Well, Then it all comes down to Shirogane-Chan, then," Yumeno explained.

"Oh, Plain old me? Well, I guess I do have the deciding vote..." She laughed. Shirogane flipped over her paper, "I think Oumasai is cutest!"

Oumasai? That wasn't even an option.... Wait.

My face instantly went red. I looked over to see Saihara, looking (like a snacc) just as much like a tomato as I was.

"Wait, are you talking about Saihara-Kun and Ouma-Kun?" Harukawa asked.

"What?! No!!!" Momota shouted, "You mean to tell me my side kick would be good with that asshole?!"

"That keeps two women safe from a males grasp! So it's alright in my book," Chabashira shrugged.

"And can't you just see it??" Shirogane cheered, "I mean, you'd have to have zero attention to detail if you didn't notice how pink Saihara-Kun's cheeks get when he talks to Ouma-Kun! Or how much he stutters!!" She pointed out, putting her hands on her cheeks.

Now that I think about it... It's true. His face would always be an adorable shade of pink.

"Or how when Ouma-Kun thinks about him, he always describes Saihara-Kun as cute or adorable!"

I froze, "Wait, how did you kno-"

"Ahahhaha!! It's just perfect, right?! Not to mention how much confidence Ouma-Kun has given Saihara-Kun! I mean, he took off his HAT because of him!!"

"Ahaha, he told me I shouldn't cover my eyes because they were... Pretty..." He laughed softly.

"See?!?!" Shirogane yelled.

Momota rolled his eyes, "yeah rig-"

Shirogane gave him a creepy smile, "and we all know I know the most about shipping here."

"I dunno about that," I began, trying to hide my embarrassment, "Saihara-Chan talks A LOT about this 'Naegiri' he loves."

"O-Ouma-Kun!! Momota-Kun wasn't supposed to know that!!"

Momota looked at him with an offended look on his face, "my bro's a shipping weeb and he never told me??"

Shirogane gasped, "CAN THIS BE?? A secret only Ouma-Kun knows!!!" She started squealing like a little girl. After she calmed down a bit, she looked a Saihara with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Well, fellow shipper, what do you think of Oumasai??"

His face went red, but Saihara smiled a bit, "I-I'd l-like to see it h-happen..."

I could've melted on the spot.

Shirogane tried to suppress her screams as she turned to me, "and what do you think of it, Ouma-Kun? Just for good measure!!" She laughed.

"W-Well, I think life would be a billion times better if it were real!" I said.

Shirogane started screaming at the top of her lungs in happiness as Momota's jaw dropped. Chabashira, Yumeno, and Harukawa just started clapping.

I scooted closer to Saihara, "sooo my place, next weekend?" I asked. He smiled an nodded.

Daganronpa One Shots (Mostly Oumasai Cause Fml)Where stories live. Discover now