The pLaN

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Kaede and Shuichi were on a date. It was going perfectly, so Kokichi thought "how can I fuck this up?" He had gathered up a few people in a group which he called 'The Saimatsu Busters'. This group consisted of Angie, Tsumugi, Gonta, Korekiyo, and himself. Angie had nothing better to do, Kiyo wanted to see the beauty of jealousy, Tsumugi had said something about 'yaoi', and Kokichi had convinced Gonta that Shuichi didn't like Kaede.

Shuichi and Kaede  were at the park, taking a nice walk. It was peaceful and there was barely anybody around. "Do we all know what to do?" Kokichi asked.

"Yup yup! And if I forget, Atua will remind me!" Angie said. "I've got the ropes..." Korekiyo assured. "Gonta has the supplies from his lab!" Gonta smiled. "And I have the camera!!" Tsumugi chimed.

They split up, and Kokichi's plan was now IN SESSION. Kaede and Shuichi were sitting near a lake, and having a nice chat. Kaede noticed something in the water... black paint? Then Angie shot up from the lake "YAHOOOOO! HELLO AKAMATSU-CHAN AND SHUICHI-KUN!" Angie yelled.

"AAAAHHHHH!" They both yelled. "What were you doing in the lake, Angie?" Kaede asked, still shocked from what just happened.

"Oh, well Atua told me I needed to get Shuichi, so may I borrow him for a second?" She asked.

"Umm but Kaede and I were hav-" Shuichi began before getting cut off.

"It's ok! As long as it only takes a minute, " Kaede said, smiling. Kaede was too kind to say no.

"Ya ha ha! How divine! Alright Shuichi, let's go!" Angie grabbed the collar of Shuichi's shirt, and pulled him underneath the lake with her.

Kaede lunged forward to try and grab him, but she heard a soft buzzing that was getting louder and louder. IT WAS A SWARM OF BUGS! AND IT WAS CHASING KAEDE! Kaede screamed and desperately tried to SWAT the bugs away. She ended up running all the way to the dorms, where she hid inside of Shuichi's.

She slammed the door shut and panted, out of breath. She didn't notice but Shuichi was there too.

"What happened Kaede? Are you ok?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, I am now. What happened with you and Angie-Chan?" Kayayday asked.

"Well she pulled me into the lake and... That's all I remember..." Shuichi explained.

"Well, maybe we should just continue our date... In here?" Kaede suggested blushing.

Shuichi began to say something until Tsumugi burst through the door. "HELLOOOOO SAIHARA-KUN AND AKAMATSU-CHAN!!"

"Sh-Shirogane-Chan?! What are you doing in here?" Kaede asked, getting quite annoyed.

"Weeeeell..." Tsumugi got out a video camera and pointed it to Kaede and Shuichi, "to record you two make out, of course!"

"That's... Really not ok, Shirogane-Chan," Shuichi said.

"Yeah!" Kaede agreed.

Shuichi looked up at Tsumugi, "and who even said we were gonna make out anyway?"

"YEA- Wait... We weren't?!?!" Kaede's jaw dropped to the ground.

"Wait, you thought this was that type of 'date'?" Shuichi asked.

Kaede then fled the room out of embarrassment.

"Welp. This is pretty awkward... I'm gonna go now," Tsumugi said, exiting the room.

Shuichi took a deep breath and sat on his bed, rethinking his life decisions. That's when he heard a knock at the door. Shuichi got up and answered it, then immediately got nocked out.

~Time skip brought to you by laziness center~

Shuichi woke up in a dorm room that wasn't his own. He quickly realized that he was tied up to the bed, and couldn't move. He was struggling, but he couldn't get out.

He heard the door open, and it revealed a small figure with purple hair and white clothes. Kokichi Ouma.

"Wh-why am I tied up here? What are you gonna do?!" Shuichi asked in fear.

"Don't worry, Saihara-Chan! I'm not gonna hurt you! We'll have a lot of fun together!" Kokichi said climbing onto the bed.



He then proceed to cuddle with Shuichi and fell asleep like a cute little kid.

A/N: Remember kids, if someone doesn't want the tea, DON'T SHOVE IT DOWN THEIR THROATS! Kokichi is a bad role model. Do not kidnap your crush.

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