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It had been exactly one year since Shuichi and Kokichi began dating each other. Kokichi had decided to surprise his boyfriend by making him some cupcakes.

He wasn't the best at baking, but Kokichi thought it couldn't be that hard if he just looked up a recipe online.

“Hm, this seems easy enough…” Kokichi thought to himself, looking over the recipe. He had all the ingredients he needed and the steps didn't seem too hard.

He began to get two bowls out, as he needed to separate the dry and wet ingredients.

He read over the recipe over and over toake sure he was getting everything right. He then added the wet ingredients to the dry in the stand mixer

He turned it on, and he accidentally turned it too fast so a puff of flour popped out and covered everything near in white. Including Kokichi.

Kokichi groaned and began to clean up the mess. Not too much was spilt, so he didn't need to start over.

He poured the batter into a cupcake pan, and put them into the oven to bake.

He set a timer for the amount of time the recipe said, and waited.

When the cupcakes were finished, he took the pan out of the oven. He flipped it the pan over over a plate, but nothing came out. Kokichi then realized, he forgot to spray the pan.

All the cupcakes had stuck to the pan and there was almost no way of getting them out alive.

"Uggggh!" Kokichi groaned, "Amami-Chan knows wat more about this stuff, I'll just call him."

Kokichi called Rantaro, and he agreed to come over and help.

Rantaro arrived, and Kokichi let him in.

"So, someone's having trouble with baking?" Rantaro laughed.

"Just... Shut up and help me out!"

Kokichi and Rantaro started over and put the new batch of cupcakes in the oven. They made sure to spray the pan this time.

They got a bit distracted though, because they could smell something burning.

"Shit!" Kokichi yelled, running to the oven. Rantaro, laughing.

He pulled the cupcakes out of the oven, almost burning himself. They were pitch black.

The two continued to try and bake, failing everytime.

Shuichi came home and walked upstairs, greeted by a frustrated Kokichi, Laughing Rantaro, and a messy kitchen, "What... Happened here?"

Kokichi grabbed his arm and stared dragging him down stairs, "we're going to the bakery. On me."

A/N: I randomly came up with this cute thing that's also kinda dumb XD

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