Le hangout

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Kaede had asked her friends Rantaro and Shuichi to hang out. Much to her disliking, however, Shuichi had asked if he could bring Kokichi along.

Kaede agreed, because she didn't want to be rude to her friend, but she really disliked Kokichi.

Rantaro was the first to arrive, much to his excitement. He was glad to get some alone time with Kaede.

"Good afternoon Akamatsu-San," Rantaro greeted her. (I'M BRINGING THE WEEBINESS BACC)

"Afternoon Rantaro-Kun," She smiled.

Rantaro and Kaede began to talk to each other, Rantaro trying his best to drop a few flirty lines in to see if Kaede would pick up on any of them. She didn't.

The doorbell then rang, "oh! That must be Shuichi-Kun!" Kaede said, ignoring Kokichi's existence. She got up and answered the door.

~Shuichi's POV, (it's still third person, just third person limited)~

Kokichi and Shuichi walked up to Kaede's front door. It was quite cold out today, so Kokichi was hugging Shuichi's arm, he thought it was kind of cute.

Shuichi rang the door bell, and Kaede answered. When she saw Shuichi, she smiled warmly, but that expression quickly melted when she saw Kokichi. That may have been because he was attached to his arm.

She looked at Shuichi, annoyed, "is there something going on between you two that I don't know about?" She asked.

Shuichi blushed, getting what she meant, "o-oh, n-no, it's not l-like that!" He assured her.

Kokichi winked playfully, "but that could be a lie~" He said. Shuichi then flicked the side of Kokichi's head with his free arm.

"Why don't you guys cone in? It's freezing out here!" Kaede said, grabbing Shuichi by the shoulders and dragging him in, Kokichi followed.

They sat down in Kaede's living room. Rantaro was sitting in a chair, same with Kaede, while Kokichi and Shuichi sat on the couch. "So would you guys like to watch a movie? I have a few good ones in mind!" She suggested, "and I can make popcorn too!"

Everyone agreed to watching a movie. Kaede got up to make some popcorn, Shuichi did as well to help.

Kaede looked in the pantry, she only had three bags left. "I only have three bags left, which means two of us will have to share," Kaede said. She soften her voice, "so maybe Shuichi-ku-"

"Ouma-Kun and I wouldn't mind sharing, right Ouma-Kun?" Shuichi asked. "Yup! I don't mind sharing with my beloved Saihara-Chan!" Kaede sighed a sigh of annoyance, but agreed to Kokichi and Shuichi sharing.

Shuichi and Kaede made the popcorn, then sat back down with the other two. Kokichi and Shuichi were sitting close so they could share the popcorn, but they were sitting unnecessarily close.

Kaede had picked a random movie and began to play it.

There was this cute romantic scene in the movie. Rantaro held his hand out to Kaede. She stopped and stared at him for a while, "What, you want me to hold it?" She asked. Rantaro sifted his glance around the room and scratched the back of his head, "I-I um, yes?" Kaede giggled, but declined.

"Awww Amami-Chan, Kayayday-Chan is so meeeaaaann!! I'll hold your hand!" Kokichi said. Rantaro didn't seem to hear him however, probably being to caught up in just getting rejected. Since Rantaro wasn't responding, Shuichi thought of the great idea, that he'd hold Kokichi's hand instead. Once he did it, he realized how dumb of an idea that was. He was a blushing mess, but there was one problem. He wasn't letting go and neither was Kokichi.

Kokichi wasn't looking at him, but you could tell he was probably blushing. Kaede looked at the two, "aren't one of you gonna let go?" She asked in a salty voice.

Kokichi switched back to his normal mischievous expression, "nope!" This made Shuichi blush.

Shuichi was almost completely frozen and Kokichi wasn't gonna let go, so they held hands for the rest of the movie. Kaede wasn't pleased.

Shuichi got a text from uncle right before the movie ended. It said he needed his help with a case.

The movie ended, and Kaede got up, "what do you want to do next guys?" She asked.

Shuichi laughed nervously, "I actually have to get going, I'm sorry. Something came up" He said.

"Shuichi's my ride, so I'll have to go too!" Kokichi said.

Kaede groaned, "alright, see you later..."

The two left, and got into Shuichi's car. "I'm sorry for having to take you away like that..." Shuichi said, as he started the car, "something happened with a case and my uncle needs my help."

"Are you kidding?" Kokichi asked, "it's really no problem. The only reason I came anyway was for you~"

Shuichi blushed at his response, "I-I um.."

They continued to drive until they reached Kokichi's place. "Thank you for taking me out today!" Kokichi said, kissing him then running away.

Shuichi blushed a bright red. He and Kokichi were gonna talk later.

A/N: ok so I've come up with a schedule for myself!

I will post a new chapter every 2-4 days.

I think having a schedule for myself will help me be more organized.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little chapter!

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