Chapter 3

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Chris and I part ways once Drew and I decide to head back home. I told him that I'd consider going to a few of the parties later, but we both know that it'll never happen. The party scene that Chris has grown to love so much isn't something I enjoy.

"All it is is a bunch of idiotic kids who are abusing alcohol and making complete asses of themselves. How is that any fun?" I muttered as I walk into the hall closet. The house is completely silent meaning that every creak in the wooden floorboards sounds like an explosion. As I open the door I crouch down and start moving things around. "This is much more my style." I grinned as I lift up a roll of toilet paper.

Just for good measure, I pack six extra rolls into my bag before leaving the house and locking the door behind me. The sun has long since set on the horizon and I grin as my eyes rake over the front yard.

"What better place to start than here?" I know I'll be the one to clean up the mess tomorrow, but something about playing this type of prank feels too good to pass up.

It's almost as if I'm playing it on my mom personally.

That makes up my mind and I walk towards the front tree in our yard only to come up short when I notice someone sitting on the bench. Their back is to me, but a name appears in my head and I just know who it is.


I flinch at the name because I know it's not her real one. A part of me searches my memories trying to figure out what it is, but every memory I have of her is at school and everyone there calls her by a nickname.

She's anorexic. Anorexic Annie.

I swallow a lump that's formed in my throat and bite down on my lip as I start to feel nothing but pity for this girl sitting in front of me. She seems so small and almost like a child in this large world. Someone who's been cast out and belittled by people who probably don't even care to know the situation.

By people who won't look at her properly.

The image of my mother comes to mind and, before I can stop, I find myself saying,

"Oh, I didn't expect someone to rain on my parade."

She jumps, no doubt startled by my sudden appearance and turns to look back at me. Her eyes are wide in surprise and I smile down at this girl who's as beautiful as a flower. Her hair is still pulled back into a high ponytail, though I notice some loose strands falling into her face. Pale skin seems to glow in the light from street lamps and I notice that her cheeks are slightly hollowed, my guess is from her anorexia sickness.

"Sorry," She said as she stands. "I didn't know someone had already claimed this yard." I notice her eyes dart around before landing on the toilet paper I have in my hand.

Oh, she's worried about being caught up in my prank.

Before I can fully comprehend what's happening she's turning on her heel and starting to walk away forcing me to hurry towards her.

"Hey, hey, hey not so fast." I said as I block her path. She leans away no doubt uncomfortable from my closeness. I smile a little more at that and breathe in, loving the way she smells of the beautiful thing she resembles.

"Umm, can I help you?"

My smile grows if at all possible at the wary tone she used and I hold out the hand free of toilet paper. For whatever reason, my need to get to know this girl, the real one and not the one made up by a cruel nickname, is almost unbearable.

"Why yes, you can with your name."

She raises an eyebrow that screams the question 'are you serious?' at me. It's difficult not to laugh at how cute she is, especially when she crosses her arms over her chest. A few chuckles escape me as I lift my hands up in the air.

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