Chapter 2

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"Isn't that the chick who was hanging out with the girl you've got a thing for?" Seth asked after school. We're walking down the hall, towards the exit of the building. My gaze follows Seth's until they land on Mariah.

"Yeah." My brows furrow as I watch her looking around frantically for something. "What's she doing?" When I receive no response from Seth I look to my left only to realize that he's no longer there. "What?" I look around only to groan when my eyes land on him approaching Mariah. "No!" I hurry to catch up with my idiotic friend, but he gets to Mariah before I have any hope of stopping him.

"Hey." He flashes the girl a smile, grabbing her attention. The only type of response he gets is a scrunch of her nose before she turns away and continues in her search of whatever the hell it is she's looking for.

"Dude, no." I whispered a warning in my voice telling him to back off the situation before he makes things even more complicated for me. In typical Seth fashion, he ignores me.

"My name is Seth and this here is my friend, Greg."

Mariah continues to ignore us as if Seth had never spoken.

"What're you looking for? Maybe we can help."

Mariah sighs and turns back towards us, placing her hands on her hips and standing her ground like she owns the building.

"You can help, by leaving. Listen, you don't have a chance with Kat so back off before you regret it."

"Is that a threat?" Seth raises an eyebrow in question and crosses his arms over his chest.

Great. Just great. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I knew these two would only end up butting heads and not in a good way like Trevor and Victoria.

I try to ease the situation by stepping between the two of them.

"We'll leave, sorry for bothering you." I smile down at Mariah and she just gives me a wary look. Seth steps around me and says,

"No, we're not leaving. Not until you set my friend up with yours. Look, the dude's got a huge crush on her."

"Seth!" I hissed as I spin on him. He continues as if I hadn't said anything.

"My friend here, he's a hopeless romantic. Hasn't been able to take his eyes off of Kat since he first started liking her. Could you just give him a chance?" There's a pleading to his voice that catches me off guard. I sigh as I turn around, facing Mariah. Her eyes scan me up and down. It's unsettling when she stays silent for a good minute before her hazelnut colored eyes meet mine. I swallow a lump that's formed in my throat and stand taller under her scrutiny.

"Do you really like Kat?" She asked and there's a certain note to her voice that irks me.

"Yeah, I do." I bite out, not really meaning to be rude. My face starts to burn at the confession and her eyes go wide in surprise before they return to normal. A kind and soft smile upturns her mouth.

"So it would seem." She pulls her phone from her back pocket and looks through it before meeting my eyes once more. "The Club's Diner at 7 P.M. on Saturday evening. Be there dressed and ready to impress. I'll make sure Kat's there." Mariah winks before turning on her heel and walking off. I just stand in stunned silence at what just happened.

"Holy shit! Dude, you got a date for this Saturday. That's great!" Seth hoots and hollers his approval getting us weird looks from our fellow classmates. I just stand there, still in shock.

Holy shit.

"Holy shit," I said aloud, mimicking my thoughts. My eyes go to my best friend and there's a huge grin spread wide across his face. My own comes out and we high five. "I just got a date!"

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