Chapter 5

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She never showed.

My mood plummeted this morning as the minutes passed waiting in the library for April to show. She never did and I find myself stalking the front entrance of the school waiting for her. For a while, I thought she wouldn't even show for class but then, five minutes before it starts, I see her rushing up the walkway in a long-sleeved turtleneck sweater that has me sweating just from looking at it. The moment she steps foot through the doorway I corner her.

"So?" I asked as she looks up at me those gorgeous blues wide in surprise. "Where were you this morning?"

She crosses her arms over her chest and that infamous attitude spread far and wide through our school rears its ugly head. I don't back down even as I hear the lion roars echoing in my ears.

"Obviously, not at my tutoring session."

Oh, we're playing the smart ass game now?

"Obviously." I spit out, bitter and annoyed from actually believing that I might have a shot with this girl.

Apparently, the one I'd met yesterday was an illusion and Anthony was right.

"I told Mr. Dunrier I couldn't go today, alright? It's not my problem." Her own anger is evident in her voice and I can tell we're both losing our patience rather quick with the other.

"It is your problem, April," I said wanting her to understand just how important it is. "If you don't start cleaning up your act, you won't be able to graduate." The bell rings and I know I'm about to lose her. She makes to get around me and I latch onto her wrist.

Not yet. You're not getting away that easily. Even if you don't have any semblance of feelings for me I care too much to let you crash and burn.

The thought strikes me at just how true it is. I bite down on the inside of my cheek hating how I'm only leading myself down a road that'll end with my friend picking up my heart shards.

"We're not done."

April looks back at me and yanks her arm from my grasp, exposing some of her neck from beneath the sweater. My eyes go to the exposed skin and my brows furrow when I notice a dark blue bruise.

"What is that?" I asked and watch as her hand lifts to cover the mark.

"It's nothing that has to do with you." Her eyes fill with fear and I notice her start to tremble. It's slight, but it's there nonetheless. My hand lifts and I pull hers away from her neck, pulling down the sweater to expose a large, ugly bruise that extends even further down into her sweater.

"What the hell?"

April looks away from me, yanking her arm from my grasp once more. She takes on a protective stance, wrapping both arms around her waist. The sight has my stomach knotting and a disgusting, sickening feeling filling my body.

"What the hell? Who did this to you?" My voice rises in panic and fear because what the hell? She's injured and bruised and it's not natural. April doesn't answer me and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as my concern rises.

This morning.

The thought winds me because it clicks into place now.

Oh my god, she wasn't here this morning.

"Where were you this morning? This happened today, right? It wasn't there yesterday."

It couldn't have been. You were wearing a tank top.

For the longest time, April doesn't answer me. My heart speeds up with every second that passes and it feels as if I'm about to pass out from fear.

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