Chapter 3

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We start off the walk in silence, just enjoying the beautiful day and the cold ice cream. It's a nice combination and something that should be enjoyed every once in a while.

"You've gotta make the best of everything, April. That's the only way you'll live life to the fullest."

I chuckle to myself as Braydon's over-energetic voice fills my mind. He'd always been an optimist and would find the bright side to even the worst situation. It had been one of the reasons so many people flocked to him at school.

"So," Alex starts, pulling me from my thoughts. "You're graduating this coming year as well, right?"

I glance at him out of the corner of my eye before nodding.

"Assuming I finish summer school and don't screw up during this last year."

Alex chuckles at my response. It's a nice sound that has me wanting to hear more of it.

"Well, I'll make sure you do."

It's such a simple promise and yet it has a huge impact on me. Butterflies come to life in my stomach and a giddiness starts to course through my veins. I can't stop the smile that turns up my mouth at the feelings.

"You know, before now I've never noticed you in any classes."

"I'm not too surprised. I don't stand out that much." He admits and I snort as I eat some more of the chocolatey goodness that is Rocky Road ice cream.

"I highly doubt that. In case you haven't noticed you're pretty hot by most standards." I'm not ashamed in the least to be saying it, but my cheeks do heat up when I feel his eyes on me.

We take a turn and start walking through the small forested part of the school that the track and field team uses for training. Sunbeams shine through gaps in the leaves and branches of trees, dotting the ground and the surrounding scenery. Everything looks almost mystical and straight from a storybook.

It's beautiful.

A feeling of content comes to life within me as I enjoy the quiet and serene surroundings.

"You're not too bad to look at either." Alex said causing me to whip my head towards him, my content feeling getting thrown out the window. Alex doesn't say anything else and I notice that he's purposefully not meeting my eyes. Under better examination, I also notice that he's blushing which is utterly adorable. My smile widens and I push closer to Alex, nudging him with my shoulder.

"Thanks, but you don't have to force yourself. It is pretty funny, though." I smile up at him once he meets my eyes before looking forward and continuing to enjoy the walk. We talk about the silliest of things the rest of the time. How his dog is named after Elvis or how I used to be a girl scout and a cheerleader back in middle school. We discuss our least favorite teachers and I'm surprised when Alex lists off Mr. Dunrier as one of his. Before we know it, we're back at the entrance of the school and gathering our things.

"Thanks, for today," I said once more and Alex just gives me that huge smile that I've become accustomed to and find myself craving more and more of.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow for another tutoring session."

I open my mouth to answer then hesitate. My stomach turns over and the content and happy feelings I'd acquired during our walk vanish into thin air. A lump forms in my throat.


I force a smile and nod as I say,

"Yeah, totally."

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