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"Michelangelo! Wake up!" My mother's shrill voice slices through the silence of my room. A groan escapes past my lips and I turn onto my stomach. Grabbing one of my pillows, I pull it over my head as I try to grasp the fading tendrils of sleep. My attempt doesn't last long because not even a minute later my phone alarm comes to life.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled the oldest lie in the book as I reach out blindly to my bedside table. My hand lands on the small, electronic device and I pull it under the pillow with me, squinting as I check out the time. The moment they land on the name of the alarm my eyes just about bug out of my head. I scramble out of bed, my legs getting tangled in the sheets and causing me to fall to the floor.

"Michelangelo?!" My mother called up to me, worry in her voice.

"Shit, shit, shit. I'm running late!" I curse as I untangle myself from the sheets and rush around my room to get dressed.

"What in the world is going on up here?" The door to my room opens and my mother enters. A strangled cry of protest escapes past my lips as I hop from foot to foot trying to pull on my light blue jeans.

"Knock mom!" I yelled, her smile not helping my panic in the least. She crosses her arms over her chest and raises an eyebrow.

"You're late?"

"What gave it away?" My voice drips with sarcasm as I grab a shirt off the back of my chair. I'm pretty sure I wore it two days ago, but it'll do. "I'll be back in a bit. Don't forget to make sure Drew's out of the house by the time I get back." I said as I pull my shirt over my head.

My mother continues to watch me, though her eyes never meet my own or even come close to my face for that matter. I don't say anything about it as I walk past her, pausing briefly to kiss her on the cheek.

"Love you, see you later." I don't wait for her response as I hurry into the hall and down the stairs. "Later Drew!"

"Later Mikey!" My brother called from the living room as I rush by. A small smile upturns the corners of my mouth at the sound of his voice, making my day a notch brighter as I rush out of the house.


I stand outside the small ice cream parlor, my foot tapping an anxious beat. My eyes scan the crowd of Saturday early birds. Friends are out with friends, parents are running errands, people are going to work. I also spot a few health junkies out jogging despite the cool weather. Now that November is here the days have been getting progressively colder.

"Did I get the time wrong?" I wondered aloud as I check the time on my phone screen. It's half past eight and I was supposed to meet Mikey half an hour ago. I chew on my bottom lip as I scan for him once more.

"Charlotte!" His voice draws my gaze to him and I breathe a sigh of relief as I watch Mikey rush towards me. He's out of breath, a light dusting of pink on his face from the run. Strands of brown hair stick up all over his head telling me he's only just gotten out of bed.

"You've still got bed head." I laughed as I reach up and smooth down a few wayward strands. Mikey smiles and my stomach knots at the warmth that smile emits, pulling a light blush to my cheeks. I look away and lower my hand back down to my side.

"Sorry, I'm running late. I overslept." He explained, his voice holding a shy note to it. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch him looking away and scratching the back of his head. My mouth tips up and I cross my arms over my chest.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now