Chapter 4

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Mikey is already at the diner by the time I get there. He looks up and waves me over, boredom evident on his features as his eyes scour the menu for something good and cheap to order. I slide into the leather booth opposite him.

"You finally made it. I'd decided to bail if you didn't show up in the next five minutes."

I roll my eyes and I catch Mikey smiling as he places the menu down, mischief sparkling in his green eyes.

"I know you'd have left too, you ass."

Mikey chuckles at my crude language and it draws a smile from me. The waitress stops by our table, then, and we both order. He gets something new, per usual while I just stick to what I know best.

"Dude, live a little. Try something new." Mikey said once our waitress is gone.

"I don't want to order something and completely hate it. I'm good with going with what I know I'll like."

He rolls his eyes at this and leans back in his leather booth, relaxing. I mimic him and we just stare at each other for a long while, neither of us saying anything almost as if we're in a staring contest. My thoughts move to Sandy and my childhood friend can see the shift in my attention.

"So, what've you been up to ever since I got a love life?" He sounds pleased with himself, like getting a girlfriend is some type of accomplishment.

If that's true, where's my trophy for dating Kaley? Worst mistake ever.

I shudder at the mere memory, only coming back to the present when Mikey snaps his fingers for my attention. I slap his hand away and he laughs, leaning back in his seat once more.

"Nothing much," I said and Mikey raises a curious eyebrow.

"Come on, Chris, we both know that's a bunch of bull. How's your family doing?" He takes a sip of his water and he remains quiet as he waits for me to answer. I sigh and say,

"They're how you'd expect them to be. My family. Mom and dad are working. Zach is out doing whatever it is Zach does. Morgan has her lessons and is failing math. Ryan and Alexis, well, they're three so they're a handful as always."

Mikey's eyes fill with an understanding that only a childhood friend can have. He knows my family situation just like I know his. We've always had each other's back, though, so we've managed.

"I know that your family situation forces you into a position where you need to take care of people, but you can't always be the one to do all the work, Chris," Mikey said and I look away from him and around the small diner. Waiters and waitresses mill about doing their job. Families sit together enjoying a nice meal. The atmosphere is light and friendly, though it's pretty foreign to me. I look back at Mikey as I say,

"If I don't do it who will?"

"Chris, come on. They're not you're kids and yet you're practically the mother and father to Ryan and Alexis, not to mention you're always cleaning up after Zach and then packing lunches for Morgan." Mikey shakes his head and looks defeated as he says, "I'm not surprised you've gotten stuck in this mindset that you've always got to take care of people. It's unhealthy, though, you've got to see that. You're not responsible for everyone. You're only responsible for yourself."

My hands become tight fists and I remove them from the table, biting my tongue before I say something I'll regret. I'm not sneaky enough for Mikey, though, and he can see my reaction. I don't want to get into it with him, though, so I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"I've been hanging out with this girl that I met yesterday."

Mikey raises an eyebrow at that and leans forward, clasping his hands together. My lips twitch in a smile at having so easily deflected his attention from my family situation.

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