Chapter 3

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Later that evening I find myself sitting alone in my room listening to music as I finish up the remnants of my homework due on Monday. After Charlie unleashed the news that she wouldn't be coming over I took it easy at the library, not as set on finishing everything right there.

My parents had both been a little upset when they heard that Charlie was unable to come over because of sudden student council duties. I was right there with them because, had Charlie been here, I'm sure that our dinner wouldn't have been as quiet as it was.

Or as unsettling. I really hope they get over whatever it is that's bothering them.

I sigh as I lean back in my chair and stretch my arms over my head. My back cracks and I relax until I hear,

"Kim, can you come downstairs please?"

My eyes go to the opened entrance in the floor of the attic. A Hornets' nest comes to life within my stomach as I close my large calculous book.

This can't be good.

I thought as I stand from my desk. Whenever mom calls me down from my room with that cold tone of voice a furious blizzard can only be waiting at the end of it. The thought alone has me shuddering in anticipation of what I'm about to walk into.

Downstairs, my mother stands in the living room. My father stands beside her. Just from the atmosphere alone, I can tell absolutely nothing is okay. A huge part of me wants to stay standing, but another part of me knows that they want me to sit down, per the usual whenever we have these little family meetings.

"Your father and I are getting a divorce." The bluntness of the statement hits me like a sack of bricks to the gut. I'm completely caught off guard and it takes me a moment to regain myself.

"Tabitha!" My father hisses at her. "Do you really need to say it like that?" I recoil at the cold tone in his voice. I've never heard him speak like that before. Especially to my mother. Now that I get a better look at him, though, I've never seen my father look more like a stranger than he does now.

His light brown hair has more grey in it than it used too. More wrinkles from exhaustion seem to have taken up residence on his face as well. Dark circles seem to be permanently painted under his eyes. He also seems to have lost a great deal of weight, looking lankier than he did even two weeks ago. My mother is the same. Like a stranger to me. Almost colder and more closed off in a sense.

"-ly. Kimberly, do you understand?" My mother asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I blink once, twice, three times before I feel like I'm really with them again.


My mother just sighs and runs fingers through the same amber locks of hair I inherited from her. I bite down on my lip at the sight. She only does that when she's getting annoyed or agitated. I shouldn't make this situation anymore worse than what it is. I push down any feelings of turmoil I have.


I thought.

I can feel later.

A smile I don't truly feel finds it's way onto my face as I look between both of my parents.

"I know this is going to be hard for a while, but I only want you two to be happy so, if doing this will accomplish that, then I understand why it needs to be done."

My parents seem shocked by this. I just hold my smile as I stand up. Tucking some of my own hair behind my ear I continue,

"I don't really want to choose who to live with right now. Honestly, I'd just like some time to myself so this can all really sink in. Could we talk more tomorrow?" Both of my parents, still struck by my calm demeanor, just nod and I take that as my opportunity to make a quick escape. I dart for the stairs and all the way up to the attic where my room resides, the Hornets I'd felt earlier in my stomach come to life within my ears drowning out any other type of sound. As soon as I make it into the room, I pull it up and lock the door. Just as the latch clicks into place my phone vibrates and I dive for it on my bed.

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