Chapter 6

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Two weeks pass and I find myself sitting on the school steps waiting for Alex. We had just finished up our final tutoring session and were about to go our separate ways for the day when he'd told me to wait for a minute. I'd been surprised and hadn't been able to say anything before he'd taken off.

I fan myself with my right hand as I look up at the cloudless sky. Oregon has been scorching its residents with an unforgiving heat this past summer making it perfect weather for tanning but terrible for just about everything else.

"Braydon would tell me to suck it up before hitting me with a water balloon," I muttered and can't stop the smile from curling my lips as I remember how we used to beat the heat. "Water balloons for days. I'll have to plan something with Victoria before summer's over."

"Hey, thanks for waiting." Alex's voice draws my attention to the pathway leading up to the school. A huge smile lights his features and my eyes drop to his hands where he holds two ice cream cones. I stand from my seat giddy at the sight. "Here." He holds one cone out to me and I take it, humming in delight as I taste the chocolate bliss. Alex just chuckles as we start walking. "So, how are things?"

"Good," I replied, the answer truthful. Ever since I turned my parents over to the police for abuse and the death of my brother I've been living with my aunt and uncle. Things had been weird, at first. I'd never lived anywhere outside of where I grew up and after everything I'd lived through with my parents, it felt strange not having to tiptoe around the house. I kept my distance from the two at the start since my trust in adults had diminished through the years but they were understanding of this fact. As the days passed I had naturally warmed up to my relatives and now I couldn't be happier to be living with them.

"You sure?" Alex asked and I look up, meeting his eyes. The ocean comes to life in my ears and my smile widens.

"Absolutely." As soon as I answer he takes my hand, entwining his fingers with mine, causing my smile to get so large my cheeks start to hurt. Throughout the past two weeks, Alex has been by my side giving me support where I needed it. Of course, Victoria and Trevor were there too, but Alex made things better.

He's like a light for when everything is shrouded in darkness.

I look up at the sky and close my eyes basking in the warmth from the sun. It's been a long time since I've felt this free like the whole world is at my fingertips.

Is this how Braydon looked at the world? Is this how he felt? If it is, it's no wonder he could always stay so positive and optimistic.

"What's better than a beautiful day?" I whispered, the question rhetorical.

"Spending time with you." My head whips around and I meet Alex's eyes, mischief sparkling in them. Behind that mischief is a seriousness that had my cheeks warm.

"What are you? A Casanova now?" I asked, turning away from him as I try to hide my embarrassment. Alex just chuckles as his arm snakes around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. Out of nowhere, his head comes down and he takes a huge chunk out of my ice cream. A cheeky grin that reminds me of my brothers turns up the corners of his mouth as he says,

"Only for you."

Well, it's over. What are your thoughts on April's side of this story? Let me know in the comments below! Also, if you enjoyed it, don't forget to hit that little star button. Until next time, Bookoholic's!

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