Chapter 2

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The next day I sit in the library working on the newest assignments from my classes.

"So, what're we going to do about operation get Kim together with Keith?"

I jump, startled by the voice before turning in my seat. Charlie stands behind me, hands on hips and Caleb by her side. His green eyes meet mine and he smiles as he waves. I can't stop the light blush that finds its way onto my cheeks from that smile.

"What's up, Kim? Feels like it's been a while since we last spoke."

I return his smile with one of my own as I nod in agreement.

"That's because your girlfriend likes to hog all your good looks to herself."

Charlie turns beet red pulling chuckles from both Caleb and I. I watch, enviously, as he snakes his arm around her waist, pulling my best friend closer to his side. She turns a darker red that moves down her neck.

"You're adorable when you're embarrassed, you know that?" He asked as he kisses the top of her head. I smile as I watch them, content that my friends are so happy.

A better couple couldn't exist.

At the thought, an image of Keith and I together filters through my mind. The blush I'd acquired from Caleb's smile intensifies from my mental images and I clear my throat, doing my best to shove my thoughts in a new direction.

"Anyway," I said pulling their attention back to me. "There is no operation. Nothing is going to happen between Keith and I. He doesn't see me that way." I turn back around in my seat, facing my homework. Charlie seats herself on my left while Caleb sits on my right.

Why do I feel like a mouse trapped by the cats?

"Are you sure about that? I think Keith's fallen pretty hard." Caleb said a small smile of encouragement pulling his mouth up. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye and sigh.

"I'm positive."

"Then why'd he say what he said yesterday. Seems to me he was pretty serious about the whole clothing thing." Charlie piped up and the memory of what he'd whispered in my ear yesterday before class comes to mind. A lump forms in my throat and I find it a little more difficult to breathe. A spark of hope seems to awaken, but I find myself squishing it alongside my wayward thoughts as I respond,

"He only said that to mess around with me. Nothing more. Believe me, guys, Keith isn't into me like that."

Charlie and Caleb lean back in their chairs and I can picture them locking eyes with one another as they have one of those weird eye conversations that all couples seem to be able to have. It's pretty freaky if you ask me. Finally, Charlie sighs and leans back in her seat.

"Fine, if you really want to live in denial Miss Know-It-All." Her voice has an attitude in it and I roll my eyes at the nickname. It's what she and Keith have been calling me for as long as I can remember. Whenever we have disagreements they've always been quick to call me a know-it-all since I'm always insisting I'm right, even when I'm wrong.


"I won't be able to come over tonight, just so you know."

My head whips up and I meet her dark blue eyes. Pain tightens my chest and morphs my expression. Charlie's eyes widen as she lifts her hands in an attempt to stop my plummeting mood.

"Not because of what you're thinking. Some last minute changes have been decided for one of the fundraisers I'm working on so now I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter just to be able to get all the work done."

My frown doesn't budge an inch and Charlie sighs.

"I swear, on my life, that I'm not making this up. I seriously have work that needs to get done or else I would one hundred percent be hanging with you tonight. We haven't hung out in forever so, believe me when I say at this point I'd choose you over my boyfriend." She looks around me and smiles at Caleb. "No offense, babe."

I hear Caleb snort and my smile comes back. Charlie relaxes when she sees it and relaxes back in her seat.

"If I, somehow, manage to get done early with everything I'll shoot you a text and head over. How does that sound?"

"It sounds fantastic."

Charlie gives me one of her best smiles and nudges me, a suggestive twinkle in her eyes.

"Maybe you could play a little Romeo and Juliet with a certain someone. He still uses the tree outside your bedroom window to get into your room, right?"

"Yeah." I sighed in a exasperation as I remember all those countless times. Keith has been using the tree outside my window to get into my room since it grew tall enough for him to climb. "I don't understand why he can't just use the door like a normal person. It's like he was a monkey in his past life and is reliving it using my tree." Despite my slight annoyance I still can't stop my small smile as I remember back to all the times Keith has climbed into my room unexpectedly. To surprise me for my birthday, scare me on Halloween, come to my rescue when I just needed a friend by my side. My heart beats in my chest, sending a jolt of pain throughout my body. I purse my lips in annoyance and look down at my homework paper.

I really do like him, huh?

Charlie and Caleb can guess my thoughts by the looks on their solemn faces. They do that weird eye conversation again before both of them slap me hard on the back. I sit tall in my chair, shocked by the pain.

"What the hell?"

They both wear similar smiles like they've got their own dirty little secret. I narrow my eyes at the both of them, not liking that look in the least.

"Don't worry, champ, I'm sure everything will work out," Caleb reassured as he stands from his seat. Charlie follows suit and I look up at the both of them, wary.

"Just leave everything to Cupid."

"Don't even mess around with anything guys. I'm fine with things staying the way they are."

Charlie just continues to smile as she bends down and pats my head like I'm a child.

"Just because you're fine with the way things are doesn't mean we are." With that, she stands back up and takes Caleb's hand before turning and walking out of the library together. I sigh as I watch the empty space they stood in only moments ago, my stomach knotting with unease.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

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