Chapter 5

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"No, dude, you don't understand." I said as I walk with Chris in our school's blue and white locker riddled hallway the next day. Ever since I'd met up with him this morning I hadn't been able to shut up about Annie. "Last night was amazing!"

Chris just grunts in response, no doubt tired of hearing about my night escapade with our schools most bullied. He'd been surprised about it earlier when I first mentioned last night, but now his attention span on the topic has been dwindling ever since.

"What I'd like to know is why you were even hanging out with her."

I furrow my brow at the question as we turn into the library. It's scarce for the most part since we're here early enough that kids are still arriving for school.

"What do you mean why? She's amazing, that's why."

Chris just shakes his head.

"No, you don't get it. Annie is someone you don't want to get caught up with or else she'll drag you right down with her. Dude, Mikey, the girl is sick. No one in their right mind pukes up their stomach after every single meal." My anger sparks to life not just at what he says, but at the disgusted tone in which he says it.

I walk over to him and, despite him being taller than me, I don't cower. I stand at my full height and something in my eyes must freak my friend out because he backs up until his back hits the wall.

"Take it back. Now." I growled and Chris's eyes widen in surprise at my tone. Even I'm surprised.

I haven't been this angry since dad left.

"Mikey, you've got to realize you don't actually care about Annie. All you care about is that she's similar to you." I blank at that and Chris notices so he continues. "Come on, you don't honestly think I can't see it. I'm not that blind."

I make no comment and Chris sighs while scratching the back of his head before meeting my eyes a serious note to his expression that I haven't seen in him in a long time.

"Annie isn't her real name. I doubt anyone here outside of teachers actually know the girl's name. I don't and you sure as hell don't either. People don't actually see her. No one sees her. They see what's on top. A girl who's anorexic. It's just like how your mom doesn't see you. She only sees someone who looks like the husband that abandoned her in the night."

I flinch at the brutal honesty of the state. Chris gets a fierce look in his eyes and he pushes me back a step.

"Wake up and realize that you aren't Annie and that she sure as hell isn't your charity case. Stop trying to help her to make yourself feel better because it'll only hurt her more in the long run."

I blink, completely caught off guard by Chris's outburst. He knows that he's left a deep impression on me and just sighs. As he passes me, a poster that had been hidden behind him comes into my line of sight and my eyes land on a picture of a children's book with a spider and a pig on it.

All of the memories of the previous night with Annie come to life within my mind and my heart twists painfully with a need to see her smile again.


I thought as a smile curls my lips.

Not just her smile. I need her.

"It's not Annie," I said, loud enough for Chris to hear me.

"What?" He asked as I turn around and face him, a smile still upturning my mouth.

"Her name isn't Annie." I leave at that and as I rush out of the library I hear him call after me,

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