Chapter 4

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I leave the house when I know both my parents are too preoccupied to notice me. It's well past time for little kids to be in bed which means the older siblings are freed from their leashes. Some head towards parties while others go to play pranks on unsuspecting people.

No one pays me any mind, most likely because they don't recognize me in the dark. I enjoy the quiet and find a little bench to relax on out front someone's house, a street lamp illuminating it.

"Oh, I didn't expect someone to rain on my parade."

I jump, startled by the voice behind me. Turning around I find a guy standing in a black hoodie and some light brown cargo pants, a dark bag hanging at his side. Light brown hair falls into his vivid green eyes and looks slick like he's just gotten a shower. He wears a cocky smile and my eyes travel down to his left hand which holds a roll of toilet paper.

"Sorry, I didn't know someone had already claimed the yard," I said as I stand from the bench. The last thing I want is to get in the way of this guys prank or, worse yet, be accused as a partner in crime.

"Hey, hey, hey not so fast." The guy comes around the bench I'd been sitting on and plants himself in front of me. Too close for comfort.

He'll be able to recognize me.

I take a step back from him and amusement flickers in those green eyes.

"Ummm, can I help you with something?"

His cheeky smile only grows as he holds out a toilet paperless hand.

"Why yes, you can with your name."

I raise an eyebrow at this Casanova and cross my arms over my chest giving a clear sign that, that's not happening. He chuckles and it's a nice sound to my ears before I watch him lift both hands in the air. I eye the toilet paper suspiciously.

"Sorry, I've been told that I'm a huge flirt. I mean no harm, really." He lowers his hands before continuing. "We actually go to school together. I've seen you around. Your name's Annie, right?"

No, my name's Charlotte.

I snort and look away, towards a group of people our age walking down the other side of the street. My eyes cast downward at my hands.

But, who is that anymore?

I look back up at the guy standing before me and wrap my arms around my stomach as I say,

"I guess you could say it is." His smile drops a few notches.

"What do you mean?"

I smile, bitter as I look at the tree beside us.

"Who knows." We fall into an uncomfortable silence and it's not until I see movement out of the corner of my eye do I look back at him. Once more, his hand is outstretched and a cheeky grin finds its way onto his face. The street lamp beside us highlights his features and I notice that he's actually pretty cute.

"Well, my name's Ray."

"Ray? Who name's their kid Ray? Is it short for something?" I asked, my brows furrowing in confusion. Ray just shakes his head, his smile growing wider.


My lips twitch upwards because I'm starting to find this amusing.

"Then, I'm calling bullshit. That's not your real name."

Ray's eyes get a glimmer of excitement and mischief. It must be contagious because I find myself being pulled right along with it. I barely notice my hands falling away from my stomach.

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