Chapter 1

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I walk out of my classroom, yawning and ready for a good nap. English has always been a boring class for me and the years through high school haven't changed that.

It's probably why my grade is so horrible.

Another yawn escapes past my lips and I scratch the back of my head contemplating whether or not I should skip the next class and hide out in the library to catch up on some sleep.

"Keith, what's going on?"

I look in the direction my name was called and smile as my eyes clash with Caleb's, the boyfriend of my childhood friend. Ever since I'd introduced him to Charlie during our freshman year of high school, he's been an irreplaceable friend to me as well.

"Nothing much, just trying to stay awake for English so I don't flunk out."

Caleb chuckles and my smile widens.

"So, what's been going on with you. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you or Charlie, even though we go to school together." I note the dark semi-circles under my friends eyes and worry comes to life within me. He and Charlie have been super busy the last few weeks making it hard to actually hang out with either of them.

Charlie, I get. She's the student council president so it only makes sense she's swamped with things. Caleb, though, I wonder just what it is that's keeping him so busy. He hasn't come right out and told me what's been going on with him lately which has only made me even more curious as to what his little secret is. I've tried pushing him into telling me and even tricking it out of him, but the guy is smart.

"Yeah, things have been chaotic." He sighs before glancing over at me and smiling. "Charlie managed to finish all the preparations for the fundraiser early, though, so she's got some free time over the next few days."

"Kim will be happy to hear about that. She's been complaining nonstop to me about not having her best friend around." Bitterness leaks into my voice and it doesn't go unnoticed by Caleb. A sly smile spreads across his features and he nudges me as he questions,

"Oh? Jealous of my girlfriend are you?"

I frown but can't hide the slight warmth that finds it's way under the skin of my cheeks. Caleb barks out a laugh and I just glare at him.

"Shut up, asshole. Things aren't like that with Kim."

"But you want them to be." He retorts and I'm unable to come back because it's true. I wish things were like that with my other childhood friend. "Dude, Keith, you've had a thing for Kim ever since middle school. When are you finally going to go for it? You can only pine after a girl for so long before it just becomes downright sad. And you, my friend, have officially passed downright sad and landed right, squat in downright pitiful. I mean, five years? I don't know if I should be impressed at your ability to hold back or be humored by how much of a wuss you are."

I punch Caleb in the arm, not hard enough to hurt just enough to make a point. He laughs more and I roll my eyes.

"Chill, Keith, I'm just screwing with you."

"I am chill," I growled out before freezing up when I hear her melodic voice drift through the hallway to my ears. I spin around on my heel as my eyes search for her in the hall. When they land on Kim's petite form I suck in a sharp breath at how gorgeous she looks today.

"Oh yeah," Caleb starts as he pats me on the shoulder. "So chill." He walks off after that in the direction of his class, waving to his girlfriend as he passes her. I stay back where I'm rooted to the ground watching as a smile lights up Kim's face. She laughs at something Charlie said and a lump forms in my throat.

Downright pathetic or humorous?

I questioned as I remember what Caleb said.

Can I really just keep on having this crush forever?

I swallow the lump that's formed in my throat and start walking towards the two when I overhear Kim say,

"A movie night sounds great!"

"Ohhh," I start as I come up beside them. "A movie night. What pajamas should I bring? I want to make sure it matches my eyeshadow when we start doing makeovers." A grin spreads across my face as Charlie and Kim look towards me. I focus on Kim and love the way her pale cheeks become tinged with color as a pale pink dust over them.

"Sorry, you don't get an invitation. Girls only." Kim said as she continues walking forward. Charlie's blue eyes meet mine and she smiles, a soft chuckle leaving her as she catches up with our childhood friend.

Her and Caleb were made for each other.

The bitter thought floats through my mind as I catch up to the two with a few long strides.

"Hey! Don't exclude me just because of that. Maybe I want to play dress up too." My smile grows as Kim glances at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. She raises an eyebrow and says,

"First off, we don't play dress up." She get's her own smile as she talks and it makes her a thousand times more beautiful.

God, why am I so obsessed with this girl?

"Second," She pulls me from my thoughts as she continues. "None of our clothes would fit you. Also, I doubt that they would look good on you even if they did."

I slap a hand over my heart like she's just wounded me, though I'm unable to pull the smile from my face.

"That's harsh, Kim. Harsh. Did you ever think that I just want to look pretty? Hmm? No, I guess you wouldn't have." I said my voice over the top dramatic. Beside Kim, Charlie rolls her eyes at how over the top I'm being, though I can see her smile. She's enjoying my show just as much as Kim and me.

"You're being way too dramatic, dude." Charlie laughed and I look back to Kim who's also still smiling. There's a content look painting her features that has my insides warming. Our dress up conversation comes to mind and images of Kim in my clothes, much too big for her but looking sexy as all hell, fill my thoughts. Before I can stop myself I lean down close to her ear as I whisper,

"Even if I wouldn't look good in your clothes I know you'd look amazing in mine."

Kim stops in her tracks forcing Charlie and me to stop walking as well. We look back at our friend and freeze up as her face goes from pink to light red and, finally, stopping on a brilliant crimson to match her fiery mane of hair. Charlie's the first to start dying as she laughs,

"Oh god, she-she l-looks like a-a lobster." She hunches over, arms wrapped around her middle as she loses herself in a fit of laughter. I'm unable to contain my own as I say,

"I didn't think she'd get that embarrassed! Holy crap, I'm dying." Tears start falling down my face and I can't stop them because, damn, it's too funny. Kim just glares at the both of us making things all the better.

"Shut up, it's not that funny. Why did you have to say that, Keith? Stop messing around with me, it's not funny."

I look at Kim and she looks adorable with that angry glare because I know she's as harmless as a bunny.

"I'm laughing, aren't I?"

Her face turns a darker red, though I know this is from anger rather than embarrassment which helps to subside my laughter some. Before I can say anything she turns on her heel and rushes off leaving Charlie and me to our own devices. I sigh as I recollect myself.

"I'll talk to her. Don't worry about it." Charlie said, drawing my attention away from the direction in which Kim bolted. I look towards her only to find that she's smiling up at me.

"I don't know about that. This is Kim we're talking about."

Charlie rests her small hand on my arm and chuckles.

"You know, you two are more similar than you might like to admit. I can assure you that she enjoys making up with you as fast as you do." The bell rings, then, and Charlie lets her hand fall away from my arm. "Though, I do suggest you confess to her already. If you keep doing and saying things like earlier, you'll kill the poor girl with a heart attack." With that Charlie walks off to her next class leaving me alone to contemplate my own thoughts.

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